Mick Foley “fires” a RAW superstar
Foley told Stephanie that no superstar he felt deserved to be fired. He stated that one name did come up, and he revealed who he wanted to fire – Stephanie herself. Stephanie told him he had no power, and Foley began letting it out on her. He told Stephanie that she was a good liar and a bad person because she was in on Triple H’s plans the whole time.
Stephanie told Foley that he would know how bad she was, and out came Triple H. Triple H threatened to rip off the legs of his hip that requires surgery. Triple H said that the reason he creates the future is so that he doesn’t have to face has-beens like Foley.
He told Foley that Stephanie really likes him and that he shouldn’t mistake her heart for her weakness. Foley lashed out on Triple H and told him that he doesn’t need to pretend to like him. Triple H indirectly began threatening Foley’s children.
Triple H continued to tell Foley off and told him to leave, and ordered him to listen to Stephanie. As he appeared to be leaving, he stood by the corner, and as Triple H demanded he left, Foley stuffed socko in Triple H’s mouth, and Stephanie gave him a low blow.
As Triple H was about to attack Foley, Seth Rollins came out with a crutch. He dropped the the crutch and began assaulting Triple H. Rollins got the better of Triple H until Triple H began assaulting Rollins with his crutch outside. Triple H began to viciously assault Rollins’ knee, while the referees tried to separate them. This was the end of the show.