WWE RAW Results March 18th 2019, Latest Monday Night Raw winners, Video Highlights

Rollins took out McIntyre moments after the night began!
Rollins took out McIntyre moments after the night began!

Mojo Rawley was seen talking to a mirror again. Someone really needs to get him a therapist instead of filming him.


Ricochet vs. Jinder Mahal

Ricochet got the win over the former WWE Champion
Ricochet got the win over the former WWE Champion

Ricochet hit a springboard dropkick getting some insane airtime early on. Jinder Mahal was trying to slow the pace down and went for some submission moves and heavy strikes to try and break down Ricochet's stamina. Ricochet went for a top rope elbow drop and Jinder kicked out of the following pin. Ricochet went over the top rope and took down Mahal and then landed on Mahal and the Singh Brothers, on the outside. Back in the ring, Ricochet landed the 630 and got the win.

Result: Ricochet def. Jinder Mahal


Backstage, Rollins was asked to explain his attack on Drew McIntyre and he said that it was personal. Drew attacked his brothers and he wasn't about to let it pass. He also said Brock Lesnar should watch him beat Drew since he will do the same to him soon.

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Edited by Kishan Prasad
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