Kevin Owens vs Angel Garza
Kevin Owens was out next to face Angel Garza in singles action on RAW. Garza was taking no chances and he attacked KO from behind as he made his way down to the ring, taking his knee out with a chop block. This injury turned out to be the difference in the match on RAW.
Garza continued to work on the leg as the match started and it was clear that KO was having issues standing. KO still fought on as best he could though, refusing to throw in the towel on RAW.
Garza kept hitting back with strikes and kicks to KO's knee, keeping him one step ahead of the former WWE Universal Champion. Owens found an opening for himself after taking Garza down with a DDT and capitalized as best he could with the injured knee. Owens tried a cannonball but it was impossible in the state his kee was in. Garza replied with a superkick to floor KO again.
Owens hit back and went to finish Garza with the Pop-Up Powerbomb but his knee gave way again. Garza took advantage to hit the Wing Clipper to leave with the win.
Angel Garza def. Kevin Owens
Grade: A