Rich Swann vs Noam Dar
Sasha Banks accompanied Rich Swann to the ring. Dar took the advantage at the start but Swann kicked out of a pinning predicament. Dar locked a painful looking submission move on Swann’s wrist.
Swann fought back with some stiff offence, before going to the top rope. Alicia Fox tried to get involved, but Sasha Banks saved Swann. Swann delivered a phoenix splash off the top rope to pick up the win.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
Rich Swann def. Noam Dar
Sasha Banks joined Rich Swann for a dance to celebrate their win.
We returned from commercial to see The Revival talking about making a comeback. Caruso alleged that The Revival were responsible for the attack on Enzo Amore and even produced footage proving that they were on Raw. Dawson countered with the fact that he works there.
Big Cass confronted Corey Graves for insinuating that he attacked Enzo. Corey was flabbergasted and just countered with the fact that Kurt Angle was investigating the whole affair. Cass left the color commentator unhurt.