WWE RAW Results September 16th, 2019: Winners, Grades, Video Highlights for latest Monday Night RAW

No one is safe from the Fiend!
No one is safe from the Fiend!

Seth Rollins kicked off RAW and started talking about the events of last night. As he recapped the incidents and got to the part where the Fiend attacked him, the crowd chanted 'Yowie Wowie'. Bray Wyatt appeared on the Titantron as the arena went dark. While Bray was talking, his stuffed animals told Rollins to run.

Rollins stayed in the ring and Bray spoke about forgiveness but mentioned that 'he' never forgets. He teased another appearance from the Fiend later in the night before laughing it off and saying goodbye to Seth. The title cards for the upcoming matches were upside down and we couldn't tell if it was Bray messing with us or a production mistake.

Segment rating: A

Braun was backstage and furious as he headed to the ring.

The new RAW Tag Team champs, Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode showed up next to celebrate along with the new SmackDown Tag champs, The Revival. As Roode was talking, Braun Strowman came out and The Revival went after him. The RAW tag champs ran out of the ring and Strowman chased after them till they retreated backstage.

Segment rating: B

The new Women's tag champs were backstage and were confident about facing Sasha Banks and Bayley later in the night.

AJ Styles and the OC came out next for a six-man tag team match.

The OC vs. Cedric Alexander & The Viking Raiders

Alexander and AJ kicked off the match and Styles was in trouble as he went down from a big kick to the head early on. Erik was in next and kneed AJ in the head who tagged in Anderson.

The Raiders made a hot tag and hit a double team before continuing with their dominance. The OC took out Erik on the outside as we headed for commercials.

We returned to see Alexander wipe out the OC but AJ hit a springboard forearm and got the pinfall.

Result: The OC def. Cedric Alexander & The Viking Raiders

A brawl broke out between the two teams after the match and AJ hit a Styles Clash from the second rope to Alexander.

Match rating: A

R-Truth and Carmella were visiting the University of Tennessee and they met Kane or rather Glenn Jacobs, who Truth mistook for the president.

Chad Gable vs. Baron Corbin - King of the Ring Final

Gable missed the first few attempts at offense but managed to take Corbin down to the mat. Corbin punched him in the face right after and Gable went down with force. Gable hit a dropkick and sent Corbin over the ropes but Baron tossed Chad over the barricades and into the timekeeper's area.

We returned from commercials to see Gable beat the ref's count but was taken out by Corbin's sheer power. Corbin was tossing him all around the ring in a one-sided match so far. Gable sidestepped and sent Corbin into the ringpost before hitting a missile drokick.

Corbin was manhandling Gable on the outside but Gable managed to send Corbin charging into the steel steps.

Chad Gable vs. Baron Corbin - King of the Ring Final (contd...)

Gable focused on Corbin's leg but took a Deep Six. Gable managed to hit a German Suplex but missed the moonsault. Gable locked in the Ankle Lock but Corbin found the ropes. Corbin hit the End of Days for the three-count becoming the 2019 King of the Ring.

Result: Baron Corbin def. Chad Gable and is the new King of the Ring

Match rating: A+

The Street Profits were at the Maria Kanellis gender reveal party and were shocked to see the result of the previous match too.

The party resumed as we came back from commercials and Maria Kanellis revealed the gender of her baby, it was a boy. She then said to Mike that the real father of the baby was Ricochet. Mike confronted Ricochet and slapped him in the face before challenging him to a match right then. The rest of the Superstars joked about it being a baby on a pole match.

Ricochet vs. Mike Kanellis

Ricochet refused to fight as the match started but Mike punched him in the face. The match then began for real and Ricochet hit some big moves followed by a recoil, picking up the win in under a couple of minutes.

Result: Ricochet def. Mike Kanellis

Match rating: C

Bray Wyatt was on screen next and went out to go find some new friends.

Maria Kanellis came out to the stage and told Mike that she was lying about Ricochet to motivate Mike to win a match but he failed again. She then revealed the 'real father', Rusev!

Rusev walked up to the ring and Mike said he was having a bad day and he did't want to take it any further. He said he was happy for them if the news was true and fled the ring. Rusev chased after him and decimated him at ringside before throwing him in the ring for the match to start.

Rusev vs. Mike Kanellis

Rusev started off with a Machka kick to the face and then hit the accolade for the submission victory.

Result: Rusev def. Mike Kanellis

Match rating: C

R-Truth continued his tour with the mayor and kept asking stupid questions but then Kane brought a referee out and pinned Truth for the 24/7 Championship before yelling 'I still got it' and running away. Glenn Jacobs is the new 24/7 Champion.

Rey Mysterio vs. Cesaro

Cesaro taunted Rey from the stage and Rey went after him and took him out on the ramp before the match began. The bell was rung as the two men reached the ring and Cesaro was in control as the match started.

Rey went for a 619 but hit Cesaro in the gut before hitting a tornado DDT on the floor. Back in the ring, Cesaro was going for 3 suplexes a la Eddie Gurrero but Rey hit the 619 followed by the pin off a counter.

Result: Rey Mysterio def. Cesaro

Match rating: B

Bray was back again with a picture of Rollins with his eyes crossed out.

We got a small video package introducing the AOP, the Authors of Pain.

Sasha Banks & Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross

Bayley and Alexa kicked us off and the Blue brand champ made some hot tags, ending up back in the match. Alexa took control with a huge dive to the outside, taking out both opponents. Nikki was tagged in and was double-teamed by Sasha and Bayley.

Sasha hit a big suplex and Bayley threw Alexa into the steel steps outside. Bayley injured Alexa's leg using the steps and medical staff came out to assist her. Nikki was doing her best to fight both opponents by herself and was doing a good job too.

Sasha was stuck in the apron and Nikki took out Bayley on the outside. Sasha forced a tag and lokced in the Banks Statement in the ring for the win.

Result: Sasha Banks & Bayley def. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross

Match rating: A

After the match, Sasha was about to hit Nikki with a chair when Becky Lynch came out with a chair of her own and it was a chair fight! Bayley was back in it with another chair and Charlotte came out to kick Bayley in the face. Becky took down Sasha with the chair and the heels retreated after being beaten to a pulp.

Sasha was furious and had some choice words for Becky in a backstage interview.

We learned that Glenn Jacobs lost the title to R-Truth before the show began tonight.

Becky too was mad at Sasha and challenged her to a Hell in a Cell match at the upcoming PPV of the same name.

Lacey Evans vs. Dana Brooke

Lacey came out of the gate with huge kicks but Brooke took control with some big moves. Lace Evans hit the Women's Right after a little back and forth and locked in the Sharpshooter in an attempt to taunt Natalya, for the win.

Result: Lacey Evans def. Dana Brooke

Match rating: B

Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt for the Universal Championship is officially announced for Hell in a Cell.

Seth Rollins vs. Robert Roode

Dolph Ziggler was ringside as the match began. Roode started off strong but Rollins got the upper hand with a hip toss and an arm drag. Rollins hit some big knee strikes and Roode replied with a big strike to the guts.

Roode went outside and Rollins was thinking about the dive but Ziggler interfered from the apron. Roode sent Rollins into the barricades and Ziggler took a cheap shot while the ref was looking away.

Rollins took out Ziggler and focused on Roode in the ring. Rollins hit a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Rollins hit a bucklebomb but Dolph broke the pin for a DQ finish.

Result: Seth Rollins def. Robert Roode via DQ

A big brawl broke out afte the match and the OC came out and hit the Magic Killer on Rollins. Styles hit the Styles Clash and Rollins was being decimated by five Superstars. Kane came out shocking everyone, and took out the OC with chokeslams after finishing off Roode & Ziggler.

The lights went out as Kane was about to exit and The Fiend hit Kane with the Mandible Claw! Wyatt then taunted Rollins who was down on the mat,ending the show with a glitched out version of the Firefly Fun House theme.

Match rating: A

Episode rating: A+

This was one of the most entertaining episodes of RAW in months!

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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