Seth Rollins vs. Braun Strowman

Braun ran through Rollins, steamrolling him and Rollins went for a sleeper hold before he was thrown across the ring. We returned from commercials to see Rollins caught in a bearhug and then tried to hit the pedigree but failed. Strowman took a dropkick before Rollins tried to take out his knee using the ring post.
Seth hit a Blockbuster from the top rope but failed to get the pin. Rollins hit a splash and then a second but Braun still kicked out at two. Strowman reversed the stomp but took a couple of Suicide dives but caught Rollins during the third.
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Braun was about to hit the finisher when the Arena went dark and the Fiend appeared in the ring.
He hit the Mandible Claw on Strowman, taking him out before taunting Rollins. The Fiend then attacked Strowman a second time as he was about to recover and stalked his next victim before disappearing.
Result: DNF
Match rating: A
Episode rating: B
Not a bad episode oveall but it started off slow and picked up in the second half.