Brock Lesnar was the perfect ending to the best RAW we have seen in years. The dissension between Punk and Heyman was perfectly executed, and made Heyman look needy and whiny before Punk headed to the ring. While Punk’s match with Alberto was not much to write home about, both of them played their characters to the fullest. Punk sold his happiness over the win quite well, as only a face can, but it was his reaction to Brock that made the show fantastic. Brock, even though I really don’t like him, handled himself quite well Monday night, but was overshadowed by Punk. I will admit that it looked as though Punk was having troubles not giggling after he took the F5, but knowing that Punk wanted this feud so much, I can let it go. I’m interested in seeing how these two men work the ring, and the storyline, together. We all know Heyman will have a huge role in all of this going forward, but only time will tell exactly how.
While I would normally end with the end of the show, I have decided to save the best for last. I never thought that I would be calling Mark Henry the best part of an episode of RAW. I have been known for quite a while as a Mark Henry hater; but Monday night, Henry brought me back over to the dark side. Honestly, until the past couple years, I had been a huge Mark Henry fan. It had only been his most recent antics, and refusal to return to the WWE unless he got a big title reign, that really upset me. Take that and add in the fact that he really hadn’t been putting his heart, or even much of himself, into his work. He might have been believing he was, but to the fans he appeared to be phoning it in. It was sad to see that such a mighty man had fallen so far. But then this past Monday, Henry surprised us all. The man broke out his family, the waterworks, and every little bit of the motion he had to sell us on his retirement. There were a few moments that I did think that he was actually retiring, mostly when he was talking about his daughter, and the way he reacted the first time Cena handed him the WWE Title belt. The man looked happy, sad, and very much torn, and sold every little bit of it. Conveniently Mark Henry’s finisher starts with a hug, and that is the moment that Henry proved he still has what it takes.