WWE RAW retort - People are sheep, they need to be led

The WWE changed the start of RAW tonight, and it worked. Actually, this is the second week in a row that they didn’t start with the terribly narrated video, and it was so nice. But since they didn’t start with a video, I’m going to start by talking about some videos.


I really enjoyed the way the WWE has been pushing RVD. The same promo was getting a bit tired, but the way they showed RVD in big ladder matches, and then beating Cena for the strap makes me wonder just how huge RVD’s push is going to be. I’m actually getting really excited about it.

I have to admit that I’m very put out by the Divas. From the days of Trish pushing the Divas, and Fit Finlay guiding them, you’d think that the Divas would be something glorious at this point, yet they’re acting like they’re teenagers who cannot do more than call each other fat and ugly while doing mean things to each other. It’s a disgusting display of what the WWE obviously think women are.


Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE

And then there’s the treatment of Vickie. I’d love to complain about their treatment of Vickie, but she has done so many nasty things in her own right. It’s not as if this time was actually a personal attack on Vickie, as it has been in years past. I’m actually impressed with how the segment went down.

I was worried that McMahon, Triple H and Steph would completely implode, and the storyline would end. Instead, Steph was again in the middle and wormed out of it while we still don’t know where she stands. Triple H is the good guy, and it looks as though McMahon is going heel.


Putting Maddox in charge was a stroke of genius, and I think people will tune in just to see how he’s going to screw up. I doubt this will be the end of Vickie. She will be back managing someone, or doing something soon. With that hug from Ryback, I wonder if she will be managing him soon?

I’m actually kind of worried about The Shield right now. They were the big ‘bads’ there for a while, but now they’re stuck facing Tons of Funk, and Ambrose didn’t even go to the ring! Furthermore, Rollins and Reigns have been moved to the pre-show for their Tag Title Match.


I don’t think anyone would pick the Usos to beat Rollins and Reigns for the belts, but putting them in a match with Tons of Funk, then moving them off MITB, that’s really a step down for two guys who were heading for the main event.

If you go by Henry’s reasoning that he’s put in his time in the WWE, so he deserves to be WWE Champion, where does that leave Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler and William Regal?


Going on Henry’s theory, no one should ever be able to strip King of the strap again! That man has logged more years with WWE other than anyone without the last name McMahon, and other than Taker, of course. Taker technically has more years with the WWE, but he’s been WWE Champion.

The big moment of the night was the arrival of the Wyatt Family, and they sure made a splash. I’ve been thinking that the trio that makes the most sense for them to feud with would be Bryan, Orton and Kane, and Kane was their first attack. I thought they did a great job with Harper and Rowan attacking Kane. It looked good, and Kane sold it really well.


I can’t wait to see where they’re going with the faction as a whole, as I know Bray is fully invested from when I saw him live in early June. I worry that The Shield will be pushed aside through this, but I’m quite excited to see where the Wyatt Family will go in the WWE.

Wyatt Family


Why did the WWE book Sin Cara versus Albert Del Rio? Other than a few lovely moves from Sin Cara, this was a total flop. It didn’t even do a very good job of pushing the WHC Match at MITB. I really don’t understand this mess that Ziggler’s in, but hopefully Ziggler will win the WHC back and move on to feud with someone who has a clue.


I think it’s time Del Rio is sent back to developmental and be repackaged, because he sure isn’t working the way he is right now. Am I the only one who feels that Del Rio is barely phoning in his TV time these days?

I’m actually kind of getting excited about the other MITBLM. The All Stars MITBLM is stocked with faces, and the other one is stocked with heels. I think that’s going to add very different flavors to the matches, making them each special in their own way.


I will admit that Barrett is at a great disadvantage due to not having a partner, but I don’t think he’s in as much trouble as Fandango. The way he annoys even the heels, he’s in for it here.

I will admit that I’m still rooting for the local boy, and wonder if his character might have fit in with Zeb if not for the dancing thing. His actual birthday is the 4th of July, and that seems right up Zeb’s alley, but he had his hands full with one of the best wrestlers in Cesaro, and the epitome of troublemaker in Swagger.


Either things will come together, or both teams will crumble. Personally, I expect to see Rhodes and Sandow crumble and end up feuding, and I want to see Bray Wyatt take out Swagger before the match and step into his place. Bray would be much more exciting to watch than Swagger falling all over his ego and possibly really hurt someone in the process.

Speaking of excited, Sheamus versus Bryan left me at the edge of my seat. Sheamus is solid in the ring (he has been for quite a while), but when he’s in the ring with someone like Bryan, he absolutely shines. I’ve been a huge Bryan fan since his Ring of Honor days, but looking back I never knew he had this personality he’s been showing this the past year.


Bryan really has taken the WWE ‘Universe’ by the horns, goat horns if you wish, and have put us all in the “NO!” lock. He’s stolen our hearts, and made everyone want to root for him. Sadly, the way Bryan ended RAW makes me think he won’t be the one to win the MITB All Stars Match. Same goes double for Sheamus whose boring run as a face has made him a fun addition in the MITBLM, but not really someone to be taken seriously right now.


Christian versus Kane wasn’t the best match of the night, but at least they know how to bring the fans in and tell a story with their work. They worked hard and were entertaining, if not the most exciting. They were a great lot better than Sin Cara and Del Rio, but that’s not very hard.

So while Christian and Kane were not the best, the two of them in the All Starts MITBLM are going to add so much. Christian is a master of ladder matches, and he’s going to add a unique spice of his own. The same could be said of Kane, because even though many people think he shouldn’t be in MITBLMs, he always adds something that no other big man could ever add.


And then there’re Jericho and Axel. Okay, I know Axel is fantastic, but it seems like it’s taken forever for him to get the push he deserves. He looks a lot like his father in how he works the ring, but it was also great to see him channeling Orton by hitting the drop kick on Jericho as he came off the corner.

Obviously the WWE feels they have something grand in Axel as they’ve put him with Heyman, and have him facing such big names, and I understand why. Axel is going to the top of the company in a big way. Nothing like following in the family footsteps.



Punk and Orton really tore down the house. If it hadn’t been for Bryan and Sheamus, or Jericho and Axel being in the ring, I’d have said that Punk and Orton were the only ones who really showed any decent ring work. But they all had solid matches, so I have to admit I’m torn.

Punk and Orton were better than the other two, but Bryan did steal the show in the end. Orton being in the ring with the likes of Bryan and Punk has really raised his stock in the WWE. His ring work has grown in forcefulness and creativity. He’s stepped back up from being loved by the women to being cheered by everyone.

The fans were torn by the question of whom to cheer for in this match, and there was just the two of them. Can you imagine what the All Stars MITBLM is going to be like? I know there’re other good matches on this pay-per-view card, but this one might just tear the house down.

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