CM Punk vs. Seth Rollins
The bell rings and here we go. They lock up and Punk drops Rollins with a shoulder. Punk goes for a GTS but Rollins slides out and goes to the floor as a commercial break comes.
Back from the break and they’re going at it as Ambrose and Reigns watch from ringside. Rollins beats Punk down in the corner. Ambrose taunts Punk and Reigns holds him back. Punk turns it around and hits a backbreaker. More back and forth, Punk ends up applying a choke hold on the ropes. Rollins throws Punk off the top turnbuckle and covers for a 2 count. Rollins puts the boots back to Punk and keeps him down.
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Rollins keeps control but Punk comes back with right hands and forearms. They botch a move and Punk rolls Rollins up for a 2 count. Rollins with a headlock now. Punk with a side slam to break it. Rollins runs into a big boot. Punk goes back to the top but Rollins pushes him out to the floor and he lands hard.
Now, Punk is making a comeback with head-butts. Punk charges in the corner but Rollins moves and Punk hits the ring post. Rollins comes off the top but Punk moves and he lands hard. Punk with a heel kick. Punk with more offense. Rollins blocks a swinging neck-breaker and goes for a roll up but Punk drops down on him for a close 2 count. Rollins blocks the high knee and power-bombs him into the opposite corner for a close 2 count. Rollins keeps Punk on the mat now. Rollins misses a big stomp but blocks Punk and hits a kick to the head for another pin attempt. Rollins mocks Punk and calls for a GTS. Punk slides out and hits a high knee. Punk with a big clothesline. Punk goes to the top for the elbow drop but Rollins rolls out of the way. Rollins drops Punk’s face into the corner.
Rollins goes to the top but Punk cuts him off. Punk climbs up for a superplex but Rollins sends him face first to the mat. Rollins with the cross-body. Punk rolls through and goes for the Anaconda Vice but breaks it when Ambrose and Reigns hits the apron. More back and forth. More distraction from Ambrose and Reigns. Rollins drops Punk and covers him but the referee is still distracted by Reigns and Ambrose. Punk kicks out at 2. Rollins is upset with his partners now. Punk back drops Rollins out onto Reigns and Ambrose as they argue. Punk goes for a suicide dive but Rollins decks him at the ropes. Rollins comes in but Punk nails a GTS for the win.
Winner: CM Punk
- After the match, Punk poses on the stage as The Shield tries to figure out what happened.
- Brad Maddox is backstage talking to a referee. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon walk in. Maddox mentions Kane isn’t here tonight. Maddox says it’s time he took a step forward. Daniel Bryan walks in. Bryan wants a singles match with Bray Wyatt tonight. Maddox says Bryan needs to earn it. If he can beat Luke Harper, then he can face Erick Rowan and if he beats Rowan, then he can have Wyatt. Bryan walks off. Stephanie says she’s impressed. Stephanie says she’s going to announce the Royal Rumble main event and walks off.
-Out comes Stephanie McMahon to the stage. She talks about crowning one champion and shows us a video package with highlights of Randy Orton‘s career. Stephanie says Orton has had an amazing career and deserves every accolade. She calls him a fighting champion and announces Orton vs. John Cena at the Royal Rumble. She says it will be a traditional championship match with no interference and no stipulations.
- Stephanie walks up on Triple H backstage and asks how she did. He said it was great and we will finally know who the real man is after the Rumble. Triple H says he has a big announcement of his own and walks off. She wishes him good luck.