WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Fandango vs. Big E Langston
Back from the break and out comes Fandango with Summer Rae and WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston. We actually get formal ring introductions for the match. The bell rings and they go at it.
They trade chops and forearms in the middle of the ring. Big E runs into boots in the corner. Fandango with a spinning heel kick for a 2 count. Big E leap frogs Fandango and nails a big clothesline. Big E with shoulder thrusts in the corners. Fandango slides out of a move and goes to the floor for a breather. Fandango catches Big E on the ropes and starts working on Big E’s leg.
A female WWE star said her life is in danger. Details HERE
Fandango with a leg submission that Big E can’t break. Big E fights out with right hands and the hold is broken. Big E limps to his feet and misses a shoulder thrust in the corner. Big E hits the ring post and falls out of the ring.
Now, Fandango is in control, working on Big E’s leg. Fandango keeps control and hits a clothesline out of the corner. Fandango goes back to a submission on the legs. Big E finally fights back and hits clotheslines. Fandango blocks him with headbutts. Big E takes Fandango to the apron and nails a big belly to belly over the top rope, bringing Fandango back to the mat. Big E goes for a big splash but Fandango blocks it. Fandango with a tornado DDT for a 2 count. Fandango goes to the top for the big leg drop and nails it but Big E rolls out of the ring and avoids a pin. Fandango goes to the floor and keeps control. They come back in and Big E nails a big overhead throw. Big E with a clothesline and a splash now. Big E drops his straps and nails The Big Ending for the win.
Winner: Big E Langston
-Booker T comes out to the stage with the roster. They have New Year’s Eve party favors. Booker T hypes a New Year’s spinarooni but Bad News Barrett’s music hits. A new podium rises beside the stage and Barrett is high above everyone else. Barrett rips the roster, fans and says he will be here in 2014 to remind them of their troubles.
- Renee Young is backstage with Damien Sandow. Sandow says he has been disrespected week after week. Tonight, he doesn’t care who his opponent is but if he can’t beat them, he’s going to quit. Sandow walks off. Cole plugs the WWE App again. Fans can vote for Sandow’s opponent now.
-Michael Cole talks about John Cena and The Rock replying to LeBron James’ tweet.