#3 Triple H attacks Seth Rollins
It seems that for every Raw PPV so far, Triple H returning to attack Seth Rollins has been rumoured. However, it has never come to fruition, with Triple H still remaining off our TV screens after costing Rollins the Universal Title back in August.
But, in recent weeks, Rollins has been calling out ‘The Game’, and the much-anticipated feud looks set to re-emerge as we edge closer to Wrestlemania 33. HHH could make an appearance as soon as this Sunday, and although there isn’t a title on the line, Rollins’ match with Chris Jericho is almost a must-win for ‘The Man’.
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If Triple H were to emerge and distract Rollins, costing him the match, it would be a big shock that would certainly lead to a huge pop from the crowd. While another loss on PPV for Rollins isn’t recommended (he is currently 1-5 this year), it may be necessary to kick-start his rivalry with Triple H.
If WWE are hesitant to give Rollins another PPV loss, they could always have ‘The Game’ attack Rollins after he is victorious, giving fans a wild brawl once the match is over rather than a cheap interference.
While WWE may wait till the Royal Rumble for Triple H to return, an attack on Seth Rollins at Roadblock this Sunday would be an awesome shock for fans.
Check out Triple H’s first attack on Rollins back on the August 29th edition of Raw: