WWE Royal Rumble 2014: Live coverage and results, 26th January 2014

WWE Royal Rumble 2014

WWE Royal Rumble 2014

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to The Royal Rumble 2014! We’re live from the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Get ready for a wild ride tonight, as WWE rolls out with one of the top four PPVs in its calender year!

Pre – show match:

Goldust and Cody Rhodes vs. The New Age Outlaws for the WWE Tag Team championships

Fans drowned out a popular wrestler with 'She's a racist' chants recently

The first match on the card was the pre – show match between NAO and the Rhodes brothers for the prestigious WWE Tag Team titles. Cody started things off with Road Dogg, and Cody immediately went for a pin attempt, but Dogg came back with an offense of his own, thanks to Billy Gunn. Dogg ducked the Cross Rhodes and tagged in Gunn, but Rhodes sent him outside. Goldust took out Dogg with a leap and Cody took Gunn out the same way!

Back from commercial and NAO were in control of the match. Good back and forth action between both the teams, and NAO managed to keep the champions down. The end sequence saw Cody taking Dogg out with the Disaster kick, but Gunn tagged himself in and took Cody out with the Fame-asser for the three count! We have new WWE Tag Team champions!

Winner (s) and the new WWE Tag Team champions: The New Age Outlaws

Rating: ** 1/2

Analysis: I honestly didn’t see that coming! That was a good way to kick off a major PPV, and we once again have to question the creative’s decision to put the titles on a team which was in contention about a decade and a half ago. Either way, this leaves a door open for a rematch at WrestleMania between both the teams. A good bout to open the show.

Main – show:

Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt (With Rowan and Harper)

Daniel Bryan made his way out to a huge ovation from the Pittsburgh crowd, and The Wyatts made their way out. The crowd started a huge “Yes” and “Daniel Bryan” chant before the bout started. Bryan went right at it with some stiff kicks as the crowd got firmly behind him.

Bryan unloaded on Wyatt to kick things off and took him out with a leap. Bryan hit a big crossbody for a 2 count. Bryan unloaded in the corner, but got knocked off the apron and landed hard! Bryan came back with a reversal and a submission hold, and worked on Wyatt’s leg. Bray found an opening and drilled Bryan in the head, and tossed him out as Daniel Bryan hit his head hard in the corner and stumbled out of the ring, as the referee went for the count. Wyatt then came down on Bryan’s head with a huge leg drop on the outside!

Bray Wyatt continued to work on Bryan’s head and neck region, catapulting his head between the ropes. Wyatt then went for the headlock as the fans chanted for Bryan. Bryan tried to make a comeback, but Wyatt drilled him to the mat with a thud, and did the spider walk again! Wyatt then rammed Bryan in the corner and covered for a nearfall. Bryan then avoided a charging Wyatt and then busted Bray’s head in the corner with a drop toe hold as the fans chanted for Bryan! Bryan then drop kicked Wyatt in the corner and put him on the top rope, bringing him down with a huge hurricanrana! Daniel Bryan started building momentum and went for the running dropkick, but Wyatt stopped him with a huge elbow! Bryan then threw Wyatt out, but Wyatt got caught on the ropes as the crowd chanted “This is awesome!” Bryan then drilled Wyatt’s head outside with a huge tornado DDT! Bryan then came down with a huge suicide dive and connected with a missile dropkick! Bryan connected with some beautiful kicks as the crowd chanted “Yes”, and drilled Wyatt in the head for a 2 count! Bryan drilled Bryan in the corner and drilled him with a couple of drop kicks, but Wyatt caught Bryan with a huge clothesline, spinning him in mid air for a nearfall! Wyatt went for Sister Abigail, but Bryan countered it into an inside cradle for a 2 count! Bryan then went for the LaBelle Lock, but Wyatt bit his finger and drilled Bryan with hard elbows to the head!

Wyatt put Bryan on the top rope, as they traded headbutts as the crowd did a dual “Yes/No” chant. Bryan dropped Wyatt and came down with a huge splash! Bryan went for a drop kick, but Wyatt went outside. Bryan then went for a suicide dive once again, but Wyatt caught him and connected with Sister Abigail on the outside on the barricade! The crowd started a “Holy sh*t” chant and a “This is awesome!” chant. Wyatt brought a lifeless Bryan back into the ring and connected with the Sister Abigail for the victory!

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Rating: ****

Analysis: That was an amazing way to kick off the PPV. It was arguably the best opening match in Royal Rumble history. Was it the right decision to give Wyatt the victory? Maybe, but the two matches that took place went against the better judgment of the fans, and that can also be a good thing. Rumble so far has been unpredictable, and if this continues till the end of the night, this might just turn out to be one of the best PPVs of the year.

Backstage, Rene interviewed Heyman, who apologized to the fans before hand for what Bryan would do to Big Show in their match. Heyman cut a promo about how Lesnar will dominate, and how Big Show will pay for mocking Lesnar and Heyman.

Shawn Michaels, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan and “Nature Boy” Ric Flair were the special guest panel for the Royal Rumble PPV. HBK gave props to Bryan for his performance.

Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar (With Paul Heyman)

Show came out first as we saw what happened last week on RAW between the two behemoths. Lesnar then came out to a huge ovation. Lesnar went right at it and took Show down! Heyman tossed him a chair as Lesnar drilled Show with the chair even before the match began! Heyman laughed at ringside as Lesnar annihilated Show with the chair. Show went to the outside to recuperate, and trying to make his way back into the ring but Lesnar drilled him with kicks, and unloaded with the steel chair as the crowd chanted “One more time”. The referee took the chair from Lesnar as Show asked the ref to start the match. Lesnar went for another chair shot, but Show knocked him with the KO punch! Both Lesnar and Show went to the outside, as neither man was 100%! Show threw Lesnar around and brought him into the ring. Show drilled Lesnar with some punches to the gut and went for the KO punch again, but Lesnar picked Show up and walked around in the ring before delivering the F – 5! Lesnar picked up the victory in just under the 3 minute mark!

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Rating: * ½

Post match, Lesnar attacked Show with the chair, and drilled him with some hard shots! Lesnar continued the attack on the outside, laying waste to Show as Heyman watched from ringside. Lesnar’s attack resulted in the chair breaking in half! Lesnar continued the attack with another chair, and tossed the referee into the barricade! Lesnar and Heyman finally left as Show was shown lying on the floor.

Analysis: Holy cow! That was one heck of a beating. This was booked well in my view, as they couldn’t have had a classic confrontation between Lesnar and Big Show. WWE took the smart way out by making Lesnar look like a monster, which would be of immense help if Lesnar is to face either The Undertaker or the WWE World Heavyweight champion as per the rumors. In the end, it was a win – win situation for the WWE and Brock Lesnar.

Backstage, The Shield cut a promo about throwing all the 27 other entrants out of the ring, and then settling the scores among themselves. Reigns and Ambrose argued about who had the better pick, but Rollins retained some composure.

Rene then interviewed Randy Orton backstage, and asked about Batista coming back and challenging Orton. She also took Wyatt’s name, to which Orton replied that he’s at the top of the mountain, and would take on all comers. He said he knew guys like Lesnar were gunning for him, and said that tonight, in his match against Cena, he would prove once and for all that he’s the face of the WWE.

We then looked at the history between John Cena and the WWE World Heavyweight champion, Randy Orton. A good video package as always, but this match doesn’t have that “big match feeling”, as we’ve seen this before.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight championship

Orton came out first to a lackluster reaction, and Cena followed to his usual mixed reaction. We’re on top of the second hour as both the superstars sized each other up and locked horns. The crowd started a huge “Daniel Bryan” chant, which was funny. Orton started things off with a side headlock and Cena reversed into head scissors take down. The crowd then started a “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” dueling chant! Orton then started kicking Cena in the head, as the crowd once again chanted for Daniel Bryan. Orton took Cena down once again with a headlock, but Cena took him down and drilled him with rights in the corner and covered Orton for a nearfall. Orton turned the tables and delivered a suplex as the crowd started a “Randy Savage” chant. Orton had a smirk before going back to working on Cena’s torso. Orton delivered a headbutt and covered Cena for a 2 count. The crowd then started a “Y2J” chant, and Cena tried to go for a Boston Crab, but Orton rolled outside. The crowd then started a “Undertaker” chant!

Cena tried to suplex Orton to the outside from the apron, but Orton suplexed Cena back into the ring as the crowd started a “boring” chant, as Orton once again went back to the side headlock. Cena made a comeback and clotheslined Orton to the outside. Cena tried to whip Orton into the steps, but Orton reversed it and sent Cena crashing into the steps. The crowd once again started a “Daniel Bryan” chant! I love this crowd. Orton got distracted and Cena tried to go for the AA, but Orton reversed it into a DDT for a 2 count! The crowd started a “You both suck” chant, which was hilarious. Orton posed for the fans, as the crowd booed! Cena took advantage once again and went for the electric chair for a 2 count. Cena went for his usual offense as the crowd booed him! Cena played too much as Orton kicked Cena in the head and followed it up with a powerslam for a 2 count. Cena followed it up with a Full Nelson – neckbreaker combo for a 2 count. Orton went for a superplex, but Cena connected with a headbutt and connected with the leg drop from the top for a 2 count!

Cena went for the AA but Orton countered it into a backbreaker for a 2 count! Orton went for the underhook DDT, but Cena tossed him outside. Cena tried to go outside, but Orton caught him and delivered the underhook DDT from the apron to the floor! Orton brought Cena back in the ring for yet another near fall. Orton signaled for the RKO, but Cena countered it into the STF! Orton crawled to the bottom rope, but hung Cena on the top rope. Cena then delivered the spinning reverse side slam followed by the five knuckle shuffle! Cena for the AA as Orton tried to get out, but knocked the referee out in the process. Cena brought Orton down with the STF and Orton tapped, but the ref was not in position. Orton took advantage by drilling Cena with the WWE title, and covered him for a 2 count! The crowd started a “This is awful” chant, which was hilarious! Orton argued with the referee and Cena tried to take advantage, and connected with the AA for a nearfall! Cena tried to get Orton up, but Orton connected with the RKO for yet another nearfall! Orton went for a punt, but Cena tried to reverse it into an STF, but Orton countered it into an STF of his own! Cena reversed it into a crossface! Orton connected with the AA on Cena for yet another nearfall! Orton tried to get Cena up, but Cena delivered an RKO to Orton for a nearfall! Cena lifted Orton’s dead weight and tried to for an AA from the top rope, but Orton fought it off! Cena delivered a tornado DDT and locked in the STF! Orton tried to fight it off but Cena had it locked in! Just as it looked like Orton would tap out, the lights went out and The Wyatts’ signature showed! The lights came back on and The Wyatts were on the apron! Cena knocked Bray off the apron, but Orton delivered an RKO thanks to the distraction and picked up the victory after 27 minutes.

Winner and still the WWE World Heavyweight champion: Randy Orton

Rating: ***

Post match, The Wyatts came into the ring as Harper took Cena’s head off with a big boot! Rowan drilled Cena in the corner and Harper took Cena down with a clothesline. Bray Wyatt ended the segment by planting Cena face first with Sister Abigail as the crowd started a “Yes” chant!

Analysis: Both the competitors tried hard, but the crowd laid into them with their chants. The crowd was probably the highlight of the match, and in the end, both the men went for their finishers, which took away the originality of the match if it had any. The crowd had a great time getting into the heads of Orton and Cena, and The Wyatts got a good reception. The crowd wanted Daniel Bryan to make the save, but this will probably lead to the rumored match between Bray Wyatt and John Cena at WrestleMania 30.

Rene interviewed the NAO backstage, as we looked at how they won the WWE Tag Team titles once again. Dogg proclaimed that they were back after 14 long years! Dogg said they do tag team wrestling better than anyone else, and ended the segment with a bit of comedy.

WWE then showed why different superstars wanted to win the Royal Rumble match.

The Royal Rumble match:

#1 – CM Punk

CM Punk made his way out first to a massive reception! The crowd started a CM Punk chant as we looked at the next participant.

#2 – Seth Rollins

Punk took Rollins to the corner as both of them exchanged blows. Rollins tried to eliminate Punk but Punk came back with chops and kicks to Rollins’ chest. Punk went for the trifecta kicks but Rollins dropped him with a running dropkick. Punk connected with the running knee and clothesline! Punk connected with a huge kick.

#3 – Damien Sandow

Rollins and Sandow tried to work cohesively to eliminate Punk, but Punk held on as the crowd started chanting for CM Punk. Punk connected with a neckbreaker – DDT combo and tried to eliminate Rollins.

#4 – Cody Rhodes

Cody went at it with Sandow and connected with the Cross Rhodes. Cody then exchanged blows with Rollins as Punk eliminated Sandow! Punk and Cody worked together, trying to eliminate Rollins.

#5 – Kane

Kane went right at it with Punk and delivered a clothesline followed by a side walk slam! Kane went for the chokeslam, but Punk delivered a round house kick and eliminated Kane!

#6 – Alexander Rosev

The NXT rookie! This is a surprise! Rosev knocked everybody down and tried to eliminate Cody, but Cody hung on. He was impressive in the early going.

#7 – Jack Swagger

Swagger delivered Swagger bombs to Cody and Rollins and the two behemoths went at it! Rosev decimated Swagger, but Rollins came to his aid.

#8 – Kofi Kingston

Kofi tried to eliminate Punk but Punk held on. Kofi and Rosev were dominating the bout as Rollins and Punk tried to stay in the Rumble match after being #1 and #2.

Note: Sandow and Kane were eliminated.

#9 – Jimmy Uso

Jimmy went at it with everybody in his path, as Rosev was the aggressor in the bout. The ring filled up with 7 superstars as we awaited #10.

#10 – Goldust

Everybody started working on Rosev, trying to eliminate the strongest of the lot. Rosev was eliminated! Kofi was almost eliminated, but Rosev caught Kofi as he placed him on the barricade and worked on his ribs! Kofi jumped from the barricade to the apron and into the ring! Amazing!

#11 – Dean Ambrose

Ambrose and Rollins worked together, as we looked back at Kofi’s amazing agility and athletic prowess! Ambrose went at it with Punk as we waited to see who #12 was!

#12 – Dolph Ziggler

The Showoff made his return as the crowd erupted! A nice dropkick as the crowd started a “Let’s go Ziggler” chant! This is turning out to be awesome, as Ziggler started his offense with a picture perfect dropkick!

#13 – R – Truth

Ambrose eliminated R – Truth as Rollins eliminated Jimmy Uso! Kofi barely hung on and hit Swagger with his own boot!

#14 – Kevin Nash

He’s baaaack! Nash eliminated Swagger and turned his attention towards Ambrose and Rollins! Punk worked on Ziggler as Nash tried to eliminate both the members of The Shield!

#15 – Roman Reigns

Reigns destroyed everybody in his path as he delivered a spear to Cody! Reigns eliminated Kofi! Reigns delivered a spear to Ziggler and eliminated him! He then threw Kevin Nash out!

#16 – Great Khali

Khali picked apart all the members of The Shield, but all the members worked together to eliminate The Great Khali! Goldust eliminated Cody by mistake, and Reigns eliminated Goldust!

#17 – Sheamus

Sheamus came to the aid of Punk, who was alone with the trio! Sheamus picked apart the three members of The Shield and was the lone man standing!

#18 – The Miz

The Miz came out but was stopped in his tracks by the three members of The Shield. Six members were in the ring now, and three of them belonged to The Shield!

#19 – Fandango

Fandango was the next man as the crowd Fandango’d! The members of The Shield were firmly in control of the Rumble match as the crowd chanted for Daniel Bryan!

#20 – El Torito

El Torito delivered a huge leg scissors takedown and eliminated Fandango! Reigns then eliminated El Torito!

#21 – Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro picked everyone apart and swung Miz and Rollins! That was awesome!

#22 – Luke Harper

The match got very interesting at this point, as Punk and Rollins were still in the Rumble match, after being #1 and #2 respectively. Harper took everyone apart as we awaited #23.

#23 – Jey Uso

Harper went after Punk as Sheamus tried to eliminate Ambrose. Harper and Cesaro went at it in the middle of the ring with the European Uppercuts!

#24 – JBL

JBL yelled at Cole to take his jacket, but Ambrose eliminated JBL! The crowd started a “You still got it” chant, which was hilarious!

#25 – Erick Rowan

Harper and Rowan worked in tandem, and eliminated The Miz from the Rumble match! The Shield and The Wyatts dominated as we waited to see who #26 was, as Jey Uso was also eliminated.

#26 – Ryback

Ryback went at it with Cesaro as the crowd started a “Goldberg” chant. Sheamus and Cesaro threw punches at each other.

#27 – Alberto Del Rio

The Shield and The Wyatts went at it against each other, as CM Punk held on. Punk and Rollins were in the Rumble match for 42 minutes and counting.

#28 – Batista

Batista eliminated Rowan and went at it with Ryback! Batista eliminated Ryback, but ADR knocked Batista out from behind! Batista lifted ADR on his shoulder and eliminated Del Rio!

#29 – Big E Langston

Big E manhandled Batista and Sheamus! There was only one entrant left as the crowd started a “Yes” chant!

#30 – Rey Mysterio

The crowd booed as Rey came in. They started a “Daniel Bryan” chant as Rey went after Rollins. Loud chorus of boos as the fans were disappointed. Sheamus meanwhile eliminated Big E Langston. Cesaro hit everyone with the uppercuts as Rey hit the 619 on Rollins. Rollins eliminated Mysterio! Reigns eliminated Harper as Ambrose tried to eliminate Reigns! Reigns eliminated Ambrose and Rollins as both of them were trying to eliminate Cesaro, who was eliminated in the process! Punk hit the GTS on Reigns as Kane came back and eliminated Punk! Kane continued to attack Punk on the outside and chokeslammed him through the Spanish announcer’s table.

The crowd chanted for Daniel Bryan as we were left with three performers in the ring. The crowd booed and chanted for Daniel Bryan. The crowd started a “No” chant as Batista, Sheamus and Reigns went at it. Sheamus pointed at the WrestleMania 30 sign, but Batista and Reigns eliminated Sheamus! The last two men were Reigns and Batista! The fans chanted for Reigns as he exploded, catching Batista with a clothesline! Batista answered with a spear as the fans booed, but Reigns connected with a spear of his own! Batista eliminated Reigns to win the Royal Rumble match!

Winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble match: Batista

Over – all rating of the PPV: *** ½ (Out of 5 stars)

The PPV had so much potential, especially after the first two matches. The crowd wanted Daniel Bryan to be in the Rumble match desperately, but once again, WWE turned its back and went ahead with nonsensical booking, and the crowd voiced their disgust as they booed Batista out of the building. Do I understand why they booked this way? Yes. Am I happy with it? Absolutely not. I wanted Bryan or Punk to win the Rumble, but in the end, WWE once again turned its back. Anyway, that does it for the live review and analysis of the Royal Rumble PPV, as Batista is set to headline WrestleMania 30!

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