1. Seth Rollins
Starting at the number one position, Seth Rollins will be the third man in Royal Rumble history to go coast to coast from that position to win it all. A feel-good moment if they ever were one, Rollins will put the stomp on one hell of a year just at the anniversary mark of his unbelievable one-hour gauntlet match showcase last year.
With Roman Reigns indefinitely gone, Rollins picking the mantle is a bittersweet moment to set up his path to Wrestlemania. While at one point it looked clear that a confrontation with the Beast occurs, it isn't too surprising to consider that the current trajectory might be a little different.
Nobody is giving Finn Balor a fighting chance against Lesnar in his championship match, but the Beast's interjection in the Rumble will find Braun doing the same allowing Finn a surefire victory on the way to a Universal championship match against Seth Rollins. Their stories merge for now, especially more so with HHH and Mr. McMahon's involvement in lighting a fire under both competitors.
That for Seth to fulfill his tribute to the remnants of the shield, he will have to face another transgression that saw him fail to capture his last real world title shot is poetic. That after conquering his own demons from the past two years, Finn will face the man who cost him this is even more poetic.
It'll thus become the perfect clash of not one but rather two generational superstars ready to forge the future of the WWE in absence of the Big Dog. It's poetic and it's what the fans want, WWE should abide.
Result: Seth Rollins wins the Royal Rumble and goes to WrestleMania.