Roman Reigns and King Corbin will be pulling double duty at the 2020 Royal Rumble PPV. They'll first have a "Falls Count Anywhere" match but will then both be a part of the over-the-top-rope melee. The match should be the final nail in their months-long feud that has spanned from the end of 2019 through the beginning of the new year.
The stipulation of "Falls Count Anywhere" is basically a No DQ match where pins can happen anywhere in the arena. Because of that notion, we should expect to see a lot of outside interference from both sides. It won't be anything new in the feud but it gives the secondary players like Bobby Roode, Dolph Ziggler, the Revival and the Usos an excuse to stick their noses into the fray.
With Reigns being such a heavy favorite to win the actual Rumble match, it would be overkill for him to win twice at the event. I think King Corbin gets the most out of his outside help and picks up the win prior to the more important battle royal. There isn't a title match attached to the winner of the Corbin/Reigns match and those are the only types of bouts that the Big Dog loses. When he first fought Bobby Lashley in 2018, Lashley won. But when they squared off once more with a WWE Universal Championship shot on the line, Reigns won.
My point is that yeah, Reigns might lose to Corbin, but it will only likely be done to make his eventual triumph at the end of the night seem all the more heroic. So how will they get to the climax of their singles match before they try to secure a title shot at the Show of Shows? Here are five possible finishes for the Royal Rumble match between King Corbin and Roman Reigns.
#5 One participant wins by putting the other in a situation they can't get out of

With an entire arena to play with, there won't be a shortage of inventive ways that either Reigns or Corbin can pick up the pin-fall. They'll have the usual clangy poles and concession stands as well as parking lots and other backstage locales. These types of matches usually end when one person puts the other through an insane obstacle, like a bunch of tables. They also end when a combatant falls off of some high staging or a cage.
That's what ended the Shane McMahon/Miz match at WrestleMania 35. They both fell off of some staging in the actual arena, leading to McMahon picking up a win over the full-time wrestler the Miz.
The other way these matches can end is if one performer stuffs his/her opponent either under a heavy table or something similar like in the above photo. Seth Rollins beat Erick Rowan in a "Falls Count Anywhere" match by lowering a forklift with a pallet on it on top of the former member of the Wyatt Family. I'm sure there will be pallets and forklifts in Houston, so they might get used once again in determining the outcome of a match.
#4 Someone new helps Reigns topple Corbin

Outside interference is a two-way street. We've seen Corbin continuously get the upper hand in his feud with Roman Reigns simply due to having more back up than the Big Dog. Roode, Ziggler and the Revival have backed the King up at various points throughout the feud. In his corner, Reigns has been flanked by the Usos.
That makes it 5 to 3 in favor of Corbin's side. The likes of Shorty G and Mustafa Ali are busy elsewhere but they have been targets of Corbin and his cronies in the recent past. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility if they get run into backstage and are interjected into the feud.
Someone not booked for the match interfering is a guarantee in the bout. It's just a matter of how much and from whom. The Usos will be by his side at some point as will the others in Corbin's corner. Something could be set up on the go-home SmackDown since it will be the last main-roster show before the Rumble event. Apollo Crews is likely waiting for something to do so why not give him a spot in the fight. If the sides are even, it will likely land in Reigns' favor and he could pick up the win thanks to a level playing field.
#3 King Corbin wins in a straight-forward manner

WWE loves to have its top heroes overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. It happened in almost every Hulk Hogan match in WWE and the same thing happened when John Cena would win after almost getting hit by a train. It was part of the reason why large portions of the fans turned against the faces.
The same type of booking was applied to Reigns. With a much smarter crowd to witness the current product, however, they weren't having it. WWE even did it for Rhea Ripley in her title win against Shayna Baszler after Ripley overcame outside interference and an injury to win.
The easiest way from Point A to Point B is to have one man simply pin the other after doing something to notch the win. The match doesn't necessarily need to have outside interference but this feud and these types of matches always utilize it.
A clean win by the King (as clean as it could be with the stipulation) would announce him as a real main-event threat. While I still think his win could only come after loads of help from his court, he could pick up a surprisingly clean win in Houston. The feud needs to come to an end so if Corbin wins, and wins definitively, it might. He also might continue to torment the Big Dog until the PPV before the Show of Shows just as a way to rub it in.
#2 Roman Reigns wins

A win by Reigns used to be met as unfavorably as a win by John Cena during the height of Cena's dominance in WWE. It was usually a foregone conclusion that both men would win after overcoming the odds to heroically come out on top. With Reigns over the last year, however, they've let others beat him from time to time. Erick Rowan beat him at a PPV in 2019, albeit after help from the former Luke Harper.
Corbin has also defeated Reigns before but nothing was attached to winning that match. As I stated on the first slide, if a title shot is attached to the outcome of a match and the Big Dog is in said match, he usually wins. The Lashley/Reigns fights prior to SummerSlam in 2018 are the main example of that.
The Big Dog did fall to Corbin at the TLC PPV in December but that was in a TLC match and not a straight-up wrestling contest. When the rules of a normal match apply, Reigns usually wins when big stakes are attached. The feud between the former Universal Champion and Corbin is taking place to hold things over until WrestleMania Season is upon us.
But as we all know, the Royal Rumble kicks off the Road to WrestleMania. I can see a scenario where the feud continues past the Rumble, but it should conclude following it. Reigns winning would seemingly end things as he is still the golden boy and destined for a big match at WrestleMania 36.
#1 Corbin wins after loads of help

This is the most likely scenario to play out this Sunday. We've seen nothing different throughout the feud and Ziggler, Roode, the Revival will be lurking around until they are called upon to back up the King.
In turn, the Usos will show up to slightly even the odds. It won't matter because Corbin will keep some of his luster by preventing Reigns from going 2-0 this Sunday in Houston. Just when it looked like the Big Dog would finally get an upper hand, Robert Roode returned to the fray.
The numbers are weighing too heavily in Corbin's favor, but top faces often have herculean efforts in their wins. The feud has been augmented by side feuds involving the Usos vs. the Revival or any variation of Roode/Ziggler against Roman Reigns. The participation by the former WWE RAW Tag Team Champions keeps both men in the main event scene while also providing the King with lackeys to take the majority of the damage. With essentially no rules in place for the match, Corbin could easily pick up a win after a lot of interference from outside factors.
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