WWE Royal Rumble Results January 29th 2017, Full Show Match Updates and Video Highlights

A historic night for John Cena and WWE



Becky Lynch, Nikki Bella and Naomi vs Alexa Bliss, Mickey James and Natalya

The 6-woman tag-match started the show

We had great heat between the competitors as they gathered in the ring for the match. Natalya mocked Cena in front of Nikki Bella’s face before the bell rang and Nikki replied by slapping Natalya square in the face.

Alexa got in the ring in Natalya’s stead and the match finally began. We soon got a 6-woman suplex spot with the faces remaining standing. Becky and Nikki then hit baseball slides to the women at ringside before Naomi launched herself over the top rope into them.


We came back from a short commercial to see Becky Lynch all over Natalya, hitting her with a springboard sidekick and sending her rolling out of the ring. She followed it up with a flying forearm, from the apron before Mickey James came in and battered Becky by throwing her into the barricade. Natalya added insult to injury by hitting her with a snap suplex at ringside.

Natalya then tagged in Mickey James and the former WWE Women’s Champion put the boot into Becky before tagging Alexa in. Alexa distracted the referee as Mickey James hit her with a cheapshot from the apron. Alexa worked on Becky for a little longer before tagging Natalya back in.


Becky cheekily looked for a roll-up but Natalya kicked out at 2. She then continued to wear Becky down with a chin lock before hitting a sweet Falcon Arrow. Natalya then wiped Naomi off the apron before Becky sent Natalya crashing out of the ring. Becky then went to make the tag but Natalya pulled Nikki Bella off the apron.

Becky hit Alexa, who was legal, with an enzeguiri before both women made tags. Naomi hit Alexa with a springboard Enzeguiri and followed it up with a jumping forearm. She followed up with a barrage of kicks and went for the cover but Mickey James broke it up. Becky came in and suplexed James before Natalya threw Becky into the turnbuckle.


Naomi took advantage and hit Alexa Bliss with an enzeguiri before hitting her with a split-legged moonsault. She went for the cover and surprisingly got the pin on Alexa.

Becky Lynch, Nikki Bella and Naomi def. Alexa Bliss, Mickey James and Natalya

This will probably lead to a feud between Naomi and Alexa Bliss.


Sheamus & Cesaro (C) vs Anderson and Gallows (for the Raw Tag-Team Championships)

We got new Raw tag-Team Champions

Cesaro attempted two pin attempts early in the match on Karl Anderson. When Gallows got tagged in, Cesaro hit a springboard corkscrew elbow before tagging in Sheamus. Sheamus and Cesaro went to work on Gallows in the corner as they traded tags.

Cesato eventually got distracted by Anderson and it lead to Gallows hitting Cesaro with a devastating kick to the head before he delivered one to Sheamus who was on the apron. Gallows had Cesaro in complete control after this for a while. Cesaro then deadlifted Gallows and reversed a vertical suplex into one of his own.


Sheamus then got tagged back in and he was all over Gallows. He hit a spinning heel kick in the corner before hitting the 10-count chops to the chest and then followed it up with a crossbody for a 2-count.

Sheamus and Cesaro then hit a beautiful double-team before Gallows somehow managed to make the tag. Anderson hit a running knee to Sheamus before covering Cesaro but the second referee saw Anderson leveraging himself on the ropes. Cesaro then hit the pop-up uppercut before hitting a 619 to Anderson. One flying crossbody later, Cesaro covered Anderson for a 2-count.


Anderson then hit a spinebuster before Sheamus hit the referee with a Brogue Kick by mistake. Cesaro hit the Cesaro Swing on Anderson before locking in the Sharpshooter. Gallows came to the rescue right on time and booted Cesaro in the face. Anderson proceeded to cover Cesaro but Sheamus broke it up.

The Club then hit the Magic Killer on Sheamus before Anderson rolled Cesaro up for the win. We have new Raw Tag-Team Champions! Anderson and Gallows finally get their due in the WWE!


Anderson and Gallows def. Cesaro and Sheamus


Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax

Nia Jax crushed Sasha Banks

Sasha charged at Nia Jax as soon as the match began but Nia just threw her into the ropes. Sasha looked to use her quickness early on, but Nia just kept overpowering her, driving her back into the turnbuckle before throwing her around and almost beheading her with a clothesline.

We can back from a short commercial to see Nia in full control but Sasha managed to lock in a tentative Banks Statement off of a hurracanrana. Nia broke out pretty easily and started working on Sasha Banks’ injured knee. Sasha looked to hit a Sunset Flip but Nia just overpowered her again before dodging a corner spear which sent Nia crashing into the ringpost. Sasha followed it up with kicks on the apron before hitting the double knees from the top rope.


Nia then hit back with a pop-up Samoan Drop and cover Sasha for the pinfall out of nowhere. Wow.

Nia Jax def. Sasha Banks



Charlotte (C) vs Bayley (for the WWE Raw Women’s Championship)

Charlotte continued her PPV streak

Bayley got a massive ovation from the Alamodome as she came out the the ring. “Hugger Section” signs filled the arena as Bayley made her way down to the ring. She was followed out by Charlotte, who received her fair share of boos from the fans in presence.

Charlotte started the match strongly, driving Bayley out of the ring soon after the match started. Bayley came back in and threw Charlotte out. She hit Charlotte with a Stunner on the ropes as she tried to get back in. She followed it with a hurracanra through the ropes before heading to the top rope and hitting a crossbody to the outside. Charlotte responded by driving Bayley’s head into the apron before smashing Bayley into the steel steps.


Back in the ring, Charlotte drove Bayley’s face into the mat as she looked in firm control. She followed it up with a headlock before driving her knee into Bayley’s gut. She followed it with a cover for the first nearfall.

‘The Queen’ followed it up with knife-edged chops before Bayley attempted a backslide only for Charlotte to power out of it. Charlotte then used her knees to drive Bayley face-first into the mat before locking in a headlock. Bayley then slammed bayley around while still gripping her neck with her knees. Incredible.


Charlotte then slapped Bayley in the face before pointing at the fans and telling her that she was “one of them”. Both women then hit each other with simultaneous clotheslines and took each other down.

Bayley finally fought back and took Charlotte down. She kicked Charlotte in the face before hitting an STO. Bayley then headed to the top rope but Charlotte just wouldn’t get up. Bayley finally hit the flying elbow but only got a 2 count off it.


Charlotte hit back with a brutal kick to Bayley’s thigh before locking in the Figure-4-Leglock. Bayley managed to reverse the pressure but Charlotte managed to reverse it back into the Figure 8. The referee broke up the hold when Charlotte leveraged it against the ropes.

Charlotte then went to the top rope and hit a moonsault but Bayley got her knees up. ‘The Queen’ looked in trouble for the first time as Bayley perched her up on the top rope. Bayley met her on the op rope but Bayley sent her crashing out of the ring. As Bayley tried to get back into the ring, Charlotte hit her with the Natural Selection on the apron.


Charlotte then covered Bayley, who failed to kick out. Great match to start off the show. A little botchy in parts but that didn’t matter.

Charlotte def. Bayley


Kevin Owens (C) vs Roman Reigns (for the WWE Universal Championship with Chris Jericho locked in a shark cage)

Kevin Owens retained once again

Kevin Owens’ music hit first as he made his way down to the ring with the current WWE US Champion, Chris Jericho. The shark cage was in the middle of the ring as KO and Jericho entered the ring.

The boos filled the arena even before Roman Reigns’ music. Even louder boos started when Reigns’ music hit and he made his way down to the ring.

Jericho and Owens jumped Reigns before the match began. Reigns fought back with right hands as the crowd erupted in a volley of boos. Reigns sent Jericho face-first into the cage before locking him inside. Jericho protested as the cage got lifted up.


Kevin Owens ambushed Reigns as he looked at Jericho getting lifted up and the bell rang. Reigns hit back with right hands before throwing Kevin Owens into the fans. They brawled in the crowd before coming back out near the announce team as Reigns threw the announce table cover into Owens’ face. Owens hit back by Irish Whipping Roman Reigns right into the crowd.

Owens reached under the ring and brought out a number of steel chairs and he set four of them up at ringside. He Reigns with a monitor before throwing him against the barricade and hitting a cannonball.


He then smashed a chair into Roman’s gut before setting up an elaborate setup of steel chairs at ringside. He then went to the apron and attempted a powerbomb but Roman hit back with a forearm. He attempted a vertical suplex on Owens into the pile of chairs but Owens hit back with a rope assisted stunner.

Owens looked to push Roman into the pile of chairs but Roman came back inside the ring and hit a massive clothesline before driving Owens shoulder first into the ringpost. Roman then went out and brought out a table.


As Reigns was setting up the table, Owens hit a Backstabber for a nearfall. He then set Reigns up for another Canonball but Reigns booted him in the face before hitting a Powerbomb for a nearfall.

Jericho rattled the cage to try and distract Roman as Owens made his way to his feet. As Roman signaled for the Superman Punch, Owens rolled out of the ring. Roman changed his plan and hit a Drive By instead.


Roman then set up another tale at ringside only for Owens to hit him with two Superkciks. Owens et Roman on the table and headed to the top rope. Owens leaped off and hit a massive Frog Splash as the fans exploded.

Owens rolled Reigns back into the ring and covered him for another nearfall. Owens then brought out another chair and smashed it into Roman’s neck. He then smashed it into Roman’s back and covered him for another 2-count.


Owens set up a chair in the corner and looked to send Roman through it only for Roman to power out of it. He hit back with a massive right hand but Owens hit back with a Superkick before sending Reigns face-first into the chair.

At this point, Jericho threw down brass knuckles and Owens put them on and signaled for the Superman Punch. Reigns blocked it and tried to get the brass knuckles off. Owens fought him off and hit him with the Superman Punch with the brass knuckles on but Reigns still kicked out.


A frustrated Owens then setup a chair in the middle of the ring and looked for a Powerbomb but Roman hit him with a Samoan Drop through the chair. Owens kicked out at 2 and a half as Roman headed back out to ringside.

He brought out another table and looked to set it up in the corner as Owens rolled him up for a nearfall. Reigns then looked for a spear through the table but Owens hit him with a Stunner for another nearfall.


Owens continued his ruthless assault in the corner, stomping a mudhole into Reigns before hitting a Canonball. Owens then took Reigns to the top rope but Reigns blocked it and hit a Superman Punch to Owens who crashed through the tower of chairs.

Reigns now cleared the announce table as Owens lay motionless on the floor. Reigns Powerbombed Owens through the table and rolled him back into the ring. Owens then signaled for the Spear as Braun Strowman interfered. He chokeslammed Reigns into the announce table before hitting a Running Powerslam into the table in the corner as Owens covered Reigns for the pin.


Reigns couldn’t kick out and Owens retained! Insane end to the match.

Kevin Owens def. Roman Reigns

Owens and Jericho celebrated after the match as Roman Reigns lay almost motionless inside the ring.


Rich Swann (C) vs Neville

Neville is now the Cruiserweight Champion

Swann and Neville circled each other before finally locking up. Swann drove Neville into the turnbuckle before Neville did the same to Swann. Swann then took Neville out with a dive outside the ring before rolling him back into the ring.

Neville hit back with kicks and a bodyslam. He then headed to the top rope and hit a vicious dropkick for a 2-count. Neville then put his boot to Swann’s neck and drove it down into the mat. Swann tried to hit back with a couple of weak punches but Neville kneed him in the face. Swann then rolled Neville up in a crucifix for a 2-count.


Neville continued dominating Swann with a snap suplex and followed it up with a forearm in the corner. He then put Swann in a low angle headlock as he tried to squeeze the air out of Swann. Neville follows it up with a knee-assisted chin lock but Swann finally powered out of it and followed it up by sending Neville, who had rolled out of the ring, spine-first into the barricade.


Neville hit back though, sending Swann into the barricade too before rolling him back into the ring. Neville headed to the top rope but Swann hit him with the Rich Kick as he came down. Both men were laid out in the ring and crawled back to their feet.

Swann hit a beautiful enzeguiri and followed it up with an hurracanrana. Nevile rolled out but Swann hits a twisting 450 Splash from the turnbuckle and onto Neville.


Swann followed this up by grounding Neville and just pounding him. He followed it up with a roundhouse kick for another nearfall. Neville got back to his feet and hit Swann with an elbow but Swann was undeterred. He grounded Neville and hit him with a running Frog Splash for another nearfall. Incredible leap from Swann.

Swann headed to the top rope but Neville took his feet out from under him as Swann was stuck in a precarious position on the top rope. Neville jumped off the top rope before the two men hit each other with Superkicks. Swann followed it up with another Rich Kick but Neville managed to reach the bottom rope.


Swann headed to the tope rope again as Neville got back to his feet. Swann took too long and Neville hit Swann with a Superplex. He went for the cover but Swann kicked out. Neville then locked in the Crossface Butterfly Armbar as Swann finally tapped out.

Another new champion as Neville becomes the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

Neville def. Rich Swann


AJ Styles (C) vs John Cena (for the WWE World Championship)

John Cena finally equalled Ric Flair’s record

WWE World Champion AJ Styles made his way out first and was met with a huge pop from the Alamodome. The champ was followed out by John Cena, who was gunning for his 16th WWE world championship.

The crowd were electric as the bell rung. The duo circled each other tentatively before finally locking in. Cena threw a punch which Styles dodged and kicked Cena in the thigh. Cena hit back with a nasty clothesline before sending Styles crashing into the turnbuckle. Cena threw a couple of punches before Styles caught him with an elbow, sending him reeling.


Styles followed it up with a forearm followed with a jumping knee drop. He followed it up with another jumping knee as he showed off for the crowd. He followed it up by taunting Cena but Cena avoided the ensuing knee drop which Cena followed up with a back drop.

Cena then attempted an early AA but Styles landed on his feet and hit Cena with a nasty looking Enzeguiri. As Cena made his way back to his feet, Styles hit him with repeated punches. Cena followed it up with two shoulder blocks but Styles countered the back drop with a hurracanrana and followed it up with a running forearm. This match feels like it’ll be a classic.


Cena finally got in some offense as he hit a backdrop. Styles then got up and hit a German Suplex followed by a sitting facebuster. Cena hit back with a running lariat that almost took Styles’ head clean off his shoulders.

Cena then took Styles to the top rope but Styles slipped out and hit Cena with an Argentine Backbreaker followed by a spinning Powerbomb. Styles then attempted a Phenomenal Forearm but Cena dodged it and hit an AA. Styles kicked out at 2.


Cena then hit Styles with another devastating clothesline for and covered him up for another 2-count. Cena looked pumped up as Styles got back to his feet.

Cena looked to hit another lariat but Styles dodged it and hit the Pelle Kick. Styles followed it up with a Phenomenal Forearm! Cena kicked out at 2.

Styles followed up with kicks to Cena’s chest. Styles attempted a third kick to Cena but he dodged it and hit an Electric Chair Faceplant. The two then traded right hands before Cena attempted another AA but Styles reversed it into a Calf Crusher. Cena reversed it into an STF lock but Styles as Styles tried to reach the ropes. Styles broke out of it and locked in his own STF. The crowd were losing their minds at this point.


Cena powered out of it and deadlifted Styles who reversed an attempted AA into an attempted hurracanrana. Cena blocked it and locked in a Figure 4. Incredible transition from Cena. Styles broke out of it and locked in a cross-armbar. Amazing display from both men.

Cena deadlifted Styles mid-armbar and hit a Powerbomb as both men were down. Cena now headed to the top rope as Styles slowly got up. Cena looked to hit the Famouser from the top rope but Styles reversed it into the Powerbomb and hit the Styles Clash. Cena kicked out!


Styles looked to follow it up with a 450 splash but Cena got his knees up. Cena then hit a modified Canadian Destroyer for another 2 count. Styles hit back with back with an Ushi Goroshi for a nearfall. Styles favoured his knee after the move though.

Cena then catapaulted Styles face first into the turnbuckle before hitting a modified Avalance. Cena then took Styles to the top rope and looked for the Super AA and he hit it. Styles kicked out at the very last millisecond. Cena’s face said it all. Cena then went for another AA but Cena reversed it and hit another Styles Clash and went for the Phenomenal Forearm. Cena caught him in midair and hit 2 AA’s to Styles.


Cena covered Styles who finally failed to kick out. Incredible match. John Cena wins his 16th World title.

John Cena def. AJ Styles


Royal Rumble Match 2017


Entry #1: Big Cass

Enzo Amore came out with Big Cass and they cut their usual promo. He continued by saying that Cass was #1 in the Rumble and “you can’t teach that”.

Entry #2: Chris Jericho

Cass was followed out by US Champion Chris Jericho who was suspended above the ring earlier in the night.

Jericho and Cass sized each other up as the bell rang. Jericho made the mistake of slapping the 7-footer who hit back with right hands. The crowd chanted “Stupid Idiot” as Cass hit a corner splash. He then missed an Empire Elbow as Jericho looked to lock in a Walls of Jericho.


Cass broke out and looked to throw Jericho out. Jericho hung onto the rope and headed to the top rope. Cass booted Jericho in the face.

Entry#3: Kalisto

Kalisto came in and took the fight to Cass and Jericho. Kalisto acrobatically avoided being eliminated before hitting Cass with an Enzeguiri. Cass followed it up with a massive boot to Kalisto.

Entry#4: Mojo Rawley

Rawley came in with momentum and hit a huge shoulder tackle to Kalisto and then one in the corner to Jericho. Cass and Rawley then brawled in the corner as Cass looked to eliminate Rawley. Jericho came in and worked with Rawley to eliminate Cass who manged to hold on.


Jericho followed up by hammering Cass with fists.

Entry#5: Jack Gallagher

Gallagher came in and hit Cass in the face with an Umbrella before hammering Kalisto with it. Jericho came in from behind and took down Gallagher before bodyslamming him.

As Jericho posed for the fans, Gallagher low-blowed him with the umbrella before hitting him with a dropkick.

Cass tossed Kalisto across the ring before Rawley tried to eliminated Cass again.


Entry #6: Mark Henry

The World’s Strongest Man came out next. Mark Henry hit Cass with a corner splash before Gallagher tried to headbutt him. Henry tossed Gallagher out of the ring through the middle rope. Gallagher got on the top rope and tried to hit Henry with the Umbrella but Henry just caught him and tossed him out of the ring.

Jack Galllagher is eliminated

Entry#7: Braun Strowman

Mojo Rawley tried his best to take down Strowman but Strowmman chokeslammed him and threw him out,


Mojo Rawley is eliminated

Cass tried to boot Strowman in the face but he missed and went over the top rope but hung on. Strowman knocked him off.

Big Cass is eliminated

Strowman then tossed Kalisto out of the ring as Chris Jerichio continues to hide outside.

Kalisto is eliminated

Strowman eliminates Mark Henry next.

Mark Henry is eliminated

Entry#8: Sami Zayn

Zayn and Strowman went at it as Zayn gave it his best. He tried to suplex Strowman who reversed it. Strowman the crashed shoulder first into the ringpost as Zayn dodged a spear. Strowman hit back with a corner splash as we waited for #9.


Entry#9: Big Show

Giant vs giant as Big Show makes his way down to the ring. Show and Strowman faced off as Zayn lay laid out in the corner with Jericho still outside.

Show blocked a right hand from Strowman before punching him in the gut. Strowman hit back with a clothesline but Show was still on his feet. He chokeslammed Strowman as Jericho came in. Show hit him with a KO punch. Strowman then eliminated the Big Show.


Big Show is eliminated

Entry#10: Tye Dillinger


Tye Dillinger, the ‘Perfect 10’ made his Royal Rumble debut and main roster debut. He took the fight to Strowman, showing no fear, hitting him with the 10-count punches. Zayn and Dillinger double-teamed Strowman with elbow-after-elbow as they tried to club him into submission.

Strowman then hit a double suplex.

Entry#11: James Ellsworth

Ellsworth came down accompanied by Carmella. Ellsworth refused to enter the ring as Strowman stared at him. Carmella tried to convince Ellsworth to come in.


Zayn and Dillinger tried to eliminate Strowman but he held on somehow.

Entry#12: Dean Ambrose

Ambrose came out to see Ellsworth at ringside. He tricked Ellsworth into entering the ring alone as Strowman had his way with Ellsworth, chokeslamming him right out of the ring.

Ambrose finally entered the ring as he tried to eliminated Strowman. Dillinger, Zayn and Ambrose worked together, trying to pound Strowman into submission again.

Entry#13: Baron Corbin


Now all 4 men tried to club Strowman into submission. Strowman eliminated Dillinger.

Tye Dilinger is eliminated

Sami Zayn hit Srtrowman with a Helluva Kick before Baron Corbin eliminated him.

Braun Strowman is eliminated


Ambrose hit Corbin with a Dirty Deeds.

Entry#14: Kofi Kingston

Kofi came in and hit Zayn with a dropkick. Zayn then tried to eliminate Ambrose before Corbin came and made the save. Corbin followed up by hammering Kofi. He followed it up with a massive clothesline on Ambrose. Corbin then tried to eliminate Ambrose who held on.

Entry#15: The Miz

The Royal Rumble just became awesome as The Miz came in. Miz came in and hit Zayn with a Skull Crushing Finale. He then almost eliminated Ambrose who held on. He followed it up with kicks to Corbin in the corner.


Corbin then hit Miz with a Deep Six. Corbin then took Kofi to the top rope but Kofi hit him but Kofi fell and but hung onto the ringpost before coming in and hitting Corbin with a Trouble in Paradise.

Entry#16: Sheamus

Sheamus delivered forearms as he came in. He then hit a backdrop to Kofi and a backbreaker to Miz. He then hit Miz with the 10 chops to the chest, He followed it up with a Brogue Kick to Jericho.


Entry#17: Big E

Big E came in and hit Miz with a corner spear before Kofi hit him with a splash. E and Kofi tried to eliminated Miz as Ambrose tried to eliminate Zayn.

Entry#18: Rusev

‘Handsome’ Rusev came in next wearing a protective mask for his broken nose. He then hit corner splashes to everyone before catching Sheamus with a spinning heel kick. He then hit Ambrose with repeated forearms as the ring started to get crowded.


Sheamus hit Jericho with a running knee.

Entry#19: Cesaro

Cesaro came in and hit Miz with a Spinebuster before hitting Miz and Zayn with the Cesaro Swing. He then swung Ambrose around before moving on to Kofi. Then another one to Big E and another to Corbin. He then thought of hitting Sheamus with one as the crowd exploded. Rusev came in and smashed Cesaro with a Superkick.

Entry#20: Xavier Woods


All three New Day members are in the ring now. Kofi and Woods went to work on Sheamus before Big E hit the Big Splash. The New Day then triple-teamed The Miz.

Entry#21: Bray Wyatt


The fireflies were out as Bray Wyatt made his way down to the ring.

Entry#22: Apollo Crews

Crews came in and threw dropkicks before hitting Miz with a moonsault as Rusev tried to throw Miz out. ‘Goldberg’ chants break out as Sheamus and Cesaro eliminate all three members of the New Day.

Big E, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods eliminated

Jericho then eliminated Sheamus and Cesaro as Sheamus tried to eliminate Cesaro.


Sheamus and Cesaro eliminated

Entry#23: Randy Orton


Orton came in and dished out RKO’s left, right and centre before hitting Zayn with an RKO as he leaped off the top rope. Incredible.

Wyatt and Orton now look to work together as the next entrant is coming in.

Entry#24: Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler came in and hit Superkicks to Orton and Wyatt before giving one to Rusev. He then hit a double DDT before Superkicking the Miz.

Ziggler then looked to DDT Ambrose who lifted him and dropped him on the apron.


Entry#25: Luke Harper

The third member of the Wyatt Famile, Luke Harper, came out next. Orton pointed at him as he came in. Harper lifted Crews over the rope and elbowed him off the apron.

Apollo Crews is eliminated

Harper hit Bray with a Discus Clothesline before hitting Orton with a massive boot. He then grabber Wyatt and looked to him with a Sister Abigail as Orton came and hit Harper with an RKO.


Entry#26: Brock Lesnar

Lesnar made his way down to the ring followed by Heyman. Lesnar came in and eliminated both Ambrose and Ziggler.

Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler eliminated

Lesnar then hit Corbin, Rusev and Jericho with German Suplexes before hitting Randy Orton and Miz with the F5.

Entry#27: Enzo Amore

Enzo came running into the ring which only had Lesnar standing. Lesnar wiped Enzo out with a solitary clothesline before tossing him out of the ring.


Enzo Amore is eliminated

Lesnar followed it up with a superb suplex on Rusev.

Entry#28: Goldberg

Vintage Goldberg entrance as he came out and into the ring. Lesnar was still the only man standing. The two faced off as Goldberg immediately speared Lesnar.

He then clotheslined Lesnar right out of the ring and out of the match.

Brock Lesnar is eliminated


Goldberg then wiped out Corbin, Jericho and Rusev. He followed it up with a Jackhammer to Sami Zayn as Orton and Wyatt looked to double-team Goldberg. Goldberg hit back with a double spear to Orton and Wyatt.

Entry#29: Undertaker

The gong hit as Undertaker as the lights went out. Taker appeared in the middle of the ring as Undertaker looked to chokeslam Goldberg. They got attacked from behind before Undertaker eliminated Corbin and Goldberg eliminated Rusev.


Corbin and Rusev eliminated

Goldberg then eliminated Harper

Luke Harper is eliminated

Undertaker eliminated Goldberg from behind

Goldberg is eliminated


Entry#30: Roman Reigns

Oh god, it’s Roman Reigns again. Undertaker and Reigns face off in the middle of the ring as the crowd boo the hell out of Roman Reigns and that isn’t a pun.

Roman and Taker traded jabs before Taker chokesllammed Reigns. Orton and Wyatt then faced Undertaker’s wrath before Taker eliminated Miz and Zayn.

Sami Zayn and The Miz are eliminated

Reigns came from behind and eliminated the Undertaker. Taker starts at Reigns after the elimination.


Undertaker is eliminated

Reigns then tossed Jericho out but he held on. Jericho went to the top rope as Roman hit him with a Superman Punch, eliminating him.

Chris Jericho is eliminated


It’s now Orton and Wyatt vs Reigns. Orton hit him with the draping DDT before Reigns hit back with Superman Punches to both men. He then tossed Wyatt out.

Bray Wyatt is eliminated


Reigns looked for a spear but Orton hit him with an RKO before throwing him over the ropes and out

Roman Reigns is eliminated


Randy Orton wins his second Royal Rumble. Amazing.


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