Naomi not happy with Booker T shooting on #NaomiDeservesBetter movement
#NaomiDeservesBetter has been a trending topic among the WWE fans lately but former WWE Superstar Booker T was not a fan of it. He shot on it during his Hall Of Fame podcast and said:
"I don’t think that serves her any purpose. People advocating for her in that way, the way that needs to be put out there from an advocating perspective is her advocating for herself when she goes out to the ring and performs at a high level and the world sees it. When you do that Naomi, you can’t be denied. No one will ever say someone gave you anything. If it happens right now, tomorrow, someone bless Naomi with the world championship, trust me, would not feel like she did it on her own. It would have to be a movement for something like that to happen. I never would want the world title if it was given to me that way. Naomi, I’ve said it a thousand times, is probably more athletic than any female in that locker room and 99% of the females in this business. But, psychology and working are two different things. I hope and I wish that I had my hands on her for one month. Naomi would look at this business in a totally different way." (h/t wrestlingnews)
Naomi was clearly not happy with the words of the WWE Hall of Famer and responded with a cheeky tweet. She was joined by Sasha Banks who voiced her support for the former WWE SmackDown Champion and said: “Don't feed into useless opinions, no matter who they come from. Keep glowing and shining like you always do. You aint got nothing to prove to anyone”
Edited by Kaushik Das