#4 Jim Cornette demands WWE Superstars Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville to be fired
Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose went through a hellacious ordeal last week when a stalker broke into Deville's house while Rose was with her. Although the two escaped unharmed, the incident led to Sonya Deville wanting to take time off from WWE.
Jim Cornette stated on his podcast that he believes that Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville should have been fired by WWE for breaking kayfabe right ahead of their big match at SummerSlam. He stated that if WWE doesn't want to fire them right now fearing backlash, then they should wait a few months and then release the two of them.
Here is what WON reported:
Jim Cornette on his podcast said that WWE should have fired or at least fined Rose and Deville for contradicting their storyline when it became public they were best friends. Cornette then backed down saying they didn’t have to fire them (at first he said fire them, then said if it would cause heat now, they should wait six months for the heat to die down and then fire them) but should have fined them.
Edited by Atharva Papnoi