AJ Styles has to be the most successful rookie in the WWE in a long time. Four months haven’t elapsed since he walked out from under a titantron and he’s already the number one contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
The Phenomenal One’s graph could climb even higher with dailywrestlingnews.com reporting that a lot of WWE officials are pleased as Punch with him. His merchandise sales figures are so high that he’s speculated to be the most successful “new talent” the WWE has.
The 38-year-old has one of the most exciting in-ring styles and even Vince McMahon, known to be a tough taskmaster, hasn’t apparently found too many faults. The decision to make him the number one contender for the biggest belt in pro-wrestling was a recent one, but from the way things are unfolding, the end goal behind it is to facilitate Roman Reigns’ long overdue heel turn.
Styles became the challenger to Roman’s crown after he won a Fatal Fourway on the RAW after WrestleMania. Everyone in Dallas indubitably felt a pleasurable squirm when the angle materialised, with Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho and a returning Cesaro entering the fray. Reigns and Styles display a mutual respect to each other as of now, but signs point to an impending fire.