As per multiple Indian media outlets, Indian wrestler Kavita Dalal is taking part in WWE’s upcoming women’s tournament. As with last year’s Cruiserweight Classic, WWE scoured the globe for talent and Kavita Dalal has caught their eye. The woman better known in the ring as ‘Hard KD’ will become the first Indian woman to ever sign with WWE.
Dalal is part of The Great Khali’s promotion CWE in Jalandhar, India. Khali who is himself a former WWE world champion. Dalal has only been in professional wrestling for 7 months and took part in a WWE trial at the Great Khali Academy last week, where she was selected to travel to Dubai later this month (25-29th April). She will face off against a number of foreign competitors for a final slot in WWE’s women’s tournament.
Also read: WWE announces a Women's Tournament coming to the WWE Network this summer
Prior to pro wrestling, Kavita Dalal was a weightlifter and she won a gold medal at the 2016 South Asian Games in February last year.
We will keep you posted as more details emerge from this story.