#4 Charlotte Flair vs. Asuka (WrestleMania 34)

This was one of the most anticipated matches of the night. Many people, including Asuka herself, said that this was the women's match they most wanted to see at a WrestleMania.
There was some incredible action in this 13-minute scorcher. Asuka reversing Charlotte Flair's moonsault into a triangle choke is one of the spots that I'll be remembering the most when looking back on it.
Unfortunately, the thing that prevented this match from rising to the all time classic it could have become was the ending. Asuka tapped to a one armed Figure Eight and to make matters worse, congratulated Charlotte.
It was an anticlimactic way to end a 914 day undefeated streak. The match could also have done with being at least five minutes longer.
That being acknowledged, it's impossible to deny the high caliber of this match. It felt like it should have been the main event.