#3 It was ME all along, Aleister!
This was fantastic. In a normal week, this would be the runaway best moment, but obviously, this was no normal week in WWE.
For months, we'd been wondering who attacked Aleister Black in the parking lot before TakeOver: Brooklyn IV. Black made his return last week, with Nikki Cross telling him a secret. Black stormed into the building Stone Cold style, demolishing security guards on his way to the ring, and then Lars Sullivan for good measure, demanding that William Regal tell him where "he" is.
Suddenly, Black received a superkick from none other than Johnny Gargano, who declared that he was right there.
This was a great way to keep us in suspense until the very end, and the moment was shocking. Although Gargano was the prime suspect for a while, because he had the motive, because other suspects had been eliminated, and because of his non-denial when Regal first asked him the question, it appeared that he was turning back to the light side since. Now, he's fully embraced his darkness, with even Tommaso Ciampa congratulating him.