In March 2020, Vince McMahon made the decision to stop all WWE programming in front of crowds and move full-time into the Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. From there, a number of major production changes have taken place. These have included the advent of WWE’s new cinematic era and also a new long-term taping schedule designed to lessen the requirements of wrestlers to be present based on recommended self-quarantine times.
As states begin to re-open and fans begin to attend shows again, I have learned from multiple sources that there is a growing urge amongst WWE’s talent relations staff, production staff, and the locker room wrestlers to cease production for a limited time.
This option has been raised with Vince McMahon directly in meetings no less than three times and each time it was mentioned, McMahon is said to have immediately refused.
Vince McMahon believes that WWE programming is a positive for the country
The first occasion happened in the days prior to the doors closing on fans when the WWE were first discussing how to handle the COVID-19 situation. Following on from that, Vince McMahon was asked once again to pause production after the filming of WrestleMania.
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The third occasion was this week when a positive diagnosis was discovered. A developmental talent who has been used as a crowd member on a number of occasions has reportedly received a positive test and every WWE employee has since been tested.
A high-up source within WWE explained that Vince McMahon wants business as usual as much as possible and firmly believes that it is a positive for the country to have WWE programming continue.
As of last night, all WWE employees have been tested and early reports indicate that there were no positive results received. Delays resulted in the cancelation of the taping for SmackDown but all other events were recorded as expected.
At current, there is no indication as to the identity of the individual who contracted COVID-19 but they are said to be isolating off-site and in good health.