The show opens with Vickie Gurrero, who has a segment with Daniel Bryan. She asks Bryan the truth about referee Scott Armstrong and he says he kneed Orton and the ref could have counted to 20 if he wanted to. He says he’d prefer to be champion for one day rather than be a corporate sell-out.
Vickie then shows pictures of the 11 superstars who saved Bryan on RAW this week. She says she’ll put them all in a 3 on 11 gauntlet handicap match against the Shield.
AJ Lee vs Naomi
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Decent match to start off the show as Naomi came out with some impressive moves. Naomi springs off the rope and AJ catches her mid air with a kick for two. AJ then hits a huge elbow for a two-count. Naomi then hits a kick on AJ’s head for a two count and follows it with an atomic bomb and a bump. AJ then counters a side slam to the Black Widow to make Naomi tap. Natalya, who is on commentary, then has a stare down with AJ.
Winner: AJ Lee
Santino Marella vs Jack Swagger
That was a pretty quick match. Swagger started things off with some kick to the gut in the corner followed by a few other moves. Santino then counters with a backslide for the win.
Winner: Santino Marella
Ryback vs Nick Nardone
For all those who do not know who Nick Nardone is, he was the guy who Ryback bullied a few weeks back on RAW in Canada. Paul Heyman cuts a small little promo near the entrance. He calls himself the best in the world and says Ryback is his hero. Ryback calls CM Punk a bully and says he hates bullies. He then says Nick is a bully and will do to him what he will do once Punk gets in the ring with Ryback.
The match begins and Ryback sweeps Nick on his face. Nick then counters and hits a few shots as Ryback counters with a Meat Hook and then the Shell Shock for the victory.
Winner: Ryback
Randy Orton cuts a promo about how Bryan stole the WWE Championship from him. He says he has suppressed his true self of being the viper inside for the past two years and has finally had enough of it. He says he made an example of the Miz and will do the same and end his war with Bryan at Battleground.
11 on 3 Handicap Gauntlet Match
In this match, wrestlers come in one by one as they face all the three members of the Shield at the same time. Once the first wrestler is put away, the next enters.
Darren Young is the first wrestler who gets taken apart by the Shield. He hardly puts up a fight as Roman Reigns spears Young to send him out.
Next up is Young’s partner Titus O’Neil. The big man manages to get some offense, but is taken out after being overpowered by the trio. Reigns hits a shoulder block to put the big man down and then hit the Triple Powerbomb for the pin.
Ziggler then runs down the ring and hits a huge Thesz Press on Ambrose. He then hits Reigns but the three manage to get some control back. Ziggler somehow fights back again and sends Ambrose out of the ring. Ziggler gets a Fame Asser outside the ring and then gets kicked in the head by Rollins. Ambrose then holds Ziggler’s leg as Reigns hits a spear on the floor. Ziggler then gets counted out.
Kofi Kingston then makes his way to the ring and hits a huge crossbody on Ambrose and Rollins. He then hits the Trouble in Paradise on Rollins but Ambrose manages to break the count. The trio then beat up Kofi and Ambrose hits the Headlock Driver for the pin.
Up next is Rob Van Dam, who enters to a huge cheer from the crowd. The trio pounce on RVD but he manages to counter. He hits his signature and then a Rolling Thunder on Ambrose and Rollins. He goes up top for the finisher but Triple H‘s music interrupts. Reigns pushes RVD to the floor and Triple H calls an end to the match. Damn you Hunter! Anyway, Triple H asks Vickie what she’s doing and asks her to call the match off and meet him at his office.
Triple H then lashes out at Vickie, fearing an all out revolt and says matches need to be fair. He makes Daniel Bryan & The Usos vs The Shield for the night. Sad thing that the Shield have gone from being the Hounds of Justice to petty lap dogs.
Luke Harper and Eric Rowan vs Zack Ryder vs Justin Gabriel
Not much to say about the match as Ryder and Gabriel get pinned pretty quickly. Bray Wyatt then enters the ring and hits the Sister Abigail on Ryder and says its all for Abigail.
Winner: Luke Harper and Eric Rowan
Triple H is backstage with RVD. Hunter apologizes to RVD and gives him a rematch with Del Rio for the World title at Battleground. Del Rio hits RVD from behind as the segment ends.
Alberto Del Rio vs R-Truth
Decent back and forth match that had Truth hit a few heel kicks for a close count. Del Rio applied the cross armbreaker to make Truth tap out.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
Daniel Bryan & The Usos vs The Shield
Typical main event match that saw great action from both the teams. This was frankly Bryan’s fairest match since SummerSlam against the Shield. Bryan starts things off with a few YES kicks on Rollins. He then tags the Uso, who takes on Rollins, who manages to tag Ambrose. After a few trading of shots, Bryan gets the tag and its Ambrose against Bryan.
Back from the commercial, Rollins and a Uso are in the ring. The other Uso gets a tag who hits a Samoan drop on Rollins. Ambrose then hits a dropkick from nowhere and gets a close count. After a few moments, Bryan gets the tag as he takes apart the Shield on his own. After interference, The Usos manage to drive Reigns and Rollins outside the ring as Bryan hits the Busaiku Knee on Ambrose for the pin.
Winner: Daniel Bryan & The Usos