#2 He's been gone from TV for a year

When you are looking at possible suspects for who attacked Roman Reigns, you'd want the culprit to be a shocking reveal. While Daniel Bryan and Rowan admitting it was them all along would still kick-start an exciting feud, it would be an underwhelming conclusion to this saga that has been gripping the WWE Universe for weeks.
One of the most shocking options WWE could choose would surely be somebody who was last seen on TV one year ago.
Sure, the last time we fans saw Luke Harper, he was in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania. But it was inconsequential, leading to nothing. That was his only WWE appearance, bar a show-stealing performance at When Worlds Collide, since the SmackDown after SummerSlam 2018.
He and, guess who, Rowan lost their Tag Team Championships to the New Day in a street fight. Since then, he has been injured, ignored, and subsequently neglected by Vince McMahon. If there was ever a time for Luke Harper to return to WWE, this is it.