#2 The Fiend is the new Legend Killer

During the first decade of this millennium, Randy Orton was dubbed as the Legend Killer as he took down numerous legends in the business while making his way to the top of the mountain.
Right now, no-one deserves this nickname more than The Fiend. Recently, he took down Jerry Lawler with a Mandible Claw. He also attacked Mick Foley and Kurt Angle before that as his legend-killing list kept burgeoning.
With The Undertaker set to make an appearance on SmackDown Live, where he has nothing to promote, it wouldn’t be wrong to assume that The Phenom is going to be the next in line to receive something from The Fiend.
While I don’t expect him to be on the receiving end of a Mandible Claw like the others, we could expect a few mind games from The Fiend to the master himself. The Undertaker is known to use the darkness to intimidate his opponents and The Fiend could do the same with the Deadman before suddenly appearing in front of him and then suddenly disappearing.