Kevin Owens (C) vs AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho

Both Jericho and Styles charged at Owens as soon as the match began, beating him down and sending him rolling out of the ring. Jericho and Styles then traded pinning attempts before Owens came back in to confront Jericho. The duo traded punches before Owens sent Jericho crashing out of the ring and turned his focus on AJ Styles.
Styles locked in a Calf Crusher in the middle of the ring only for Jericho to hit a Lionsault to break up the move. He then looked to Pin Styles but just got a 2-count.
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We came back from commercial to see a KO attempt an Electric Chair drop on Jericho with Jericho countering and attempting a Walls of Jericho. Owens avoided it and hit a right hand before Styles tossed him out of the ring. Styles then hit Jericho with a springboard 450 splash. Owens threw Styles out of the ring and went for a pin but only got a nearfall.
Jericho then briefly locked in a Walls of Jericho to AJ Styles, before locking one on Kevin Owens. Owens looked trapped in the middle of the ring but Jericho broke the hold and hit Styles with a Codebreaker. He covered Styles for a nearfall.
With both Styles and Jericho laid out in opposite corners, KO hit both men with a cannonball. Styles then hit Owens with a running forearm. Jericho followed it up with an enzeguiri to Styles and Owens finished the trio with a Superkick to Jericho.
Styles looked to his a Phenomenal Forearm and Jericho caught him with another enzeguiri in midair. Owens then hit Jericho with a Pop-Up Powerbomb for a nearfall. Owens followed it up with a Frog Splash and looked to cover Y2J. Styles came in and threw Owens out of the ring before covering Y2J for the 3-count.
AJ Styles def. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho
Owens went on a rampage after the match, throwing chairs around and chucking the monitors on the announcer;s desk. Owens then took to the mic and berated everyone from the fans to Shane McMahon.
Owens then demanded a one-on-one rematch next week. What a way to end the show.