Renee Young interviewed Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler spoke about how opportunity after opportunity has slipped him by. and how that makes him the wild card. He added that every once in a while a wild card changes the whole damn game.
Dasha Fuentes interviewed James Ellsworth. She asked him how he felt when people made fun of him. Ellsworth said sometimes it brings him down. Carmella came in and said she finds Ellsworth uniquely attractive, taking him away.
Alexa Bliss vs. Becky Lynch (Smackdown Women’s Championship Match)
The match began with the women locking in. Alexa seemed to have the advantage, but Becky reversed it into a brilliant leg lock. Both of them started trading holds. Soon enough there were sunset flips and the two women traded near falls.
A brilliant looking Matrix move by Becky Lynch changed the pace of the match. At several points of the match, Lynch went for the Disarm-Her, but couldn’t lock it in.
Alexa took advantage and began to ground and pound Becky, eliminating the pretty looking moves. At one point she stomped Becky’s head in. Bliss avoided a baseball side by using the ring apron. As we went into commercial, Bliss drove Bliss into the post.
Alexa had the advantage after the break. But Becky Lynch reversed it with an impressive array of moves. She amped up the aggression with an impressive looking arm lash. Becky then went to the top rope, and Alexa tried desperately to bring her down.
Out of nowhere, Spanish sounding music hit and La Luchadora came in. Becky Lynch was distracted allowing Alexa to roll her up, but she couldn’t capitalise on a near fall. Bliss followed this up with brilliant gymnastic moves. Soon enough, she went to the top rope to deliver the Twisted Blis but fell onto Becky’s knees.
Becky went for her finisher, but Alexa got her foot on the rope. Alexa feigned an injury while La Luchadora went in for a distraction. A DDT from Alexa Bliss allowed her to win the match.
Dasha asked who the woman at ringside is. Alexa said judging by her size, it was Sasha Banks. Dasha said the woman was considerably bigger than Banks. Alexa said it was probably Nia Jax then.
Alexa Bliss def. Becky Lynch