Bianca Belair was backstage on SmackDown and fans saw footage of her parents celebrating her Royal Rumble win. She was asked who she wished to face at WrestleMania and the SmackDown Superstar said that she will make her decision soon.
Seth Rollins was set to return to SmackDown next week.
Bayley vs. Ruby Riott on SmackDown
Ruby was in trouble as the SmackDown match began and Bayley taunted her as she took her to the mat and hit elbows and kicks before locking in a submission. Ruby managed to send Bayley into the buckles before Riott countered the Belly to Bayley suplex.
Bayley missed the powerbomb off the apron and locked in a submission move when Billie Kay rushed to help her. Bayley pinned Riott off the distraction from Kay and picked up the win.
Result: Bayley def. Ruby Riott
Match rating: B
Bianca Belair was out next and was about to announce who she wanted to face at WrestleMania when Reginald interrupted her, saying that she can't beat Sasha. Carmella came out and was gloating when Sasha Banks joined them in the ring.