Bayley vs. Lacey Evans
Bayley started off strong but Lacey managed to throw her out of the ring and assault her at ringside. Bayley almost took a moonsault but got her knees up quickly.
Bayley took over for a bit and took the fight ringside. Lacey got the Women's Right after a little back and forth and got the win.
Result: Lacey Evans def. Bayley
Match rating: B
Rate this match here.
Backstage, Sheamus was looking for Shorty G and threatened him before he was attacked by Shorty.
Strowman was backstage and declared that he would be in the Royal Rumble match.
Elias was out next and started singing before he was interrupted by Nakamura and Zayn started calling Braun names. Elias apparently wrote a song while Zayn was talking and told Sami and Shinsuke to 'shut the hell up'.
Sami was furious and sent Cesaro to beat Elias up. Nakamura and Zayn joined the fight before Braun showed up. Braun wiped out all three heels and sent them on their way.
Segment rating: B
We got another short tribute to the late Rocky Johnson after the match.