Aleister Black & Ricochet vs. The Bar

The Bar trashed on the rookies a bit before the match began with Ricochet and Sheamus in the ring. Ricochet hit an early shooting star but Sheamus knee'd him in the head sending him outside. Black was tagged in and hit a moonsault off the ropes but Cesaro broke up the pin. Cesaro took the tag and Ricochet tagged in as well as Black wiped out Sheamus on the outside with a suicide dive. Ricochet hit the 630 and got the three count.
Result: Aleister Black & Ricochet def. The Bar
After the match, Nakamura and Rusev attacked the winning team from behind and The Hardy Boyz came out for the save. The Hardys, Ricochet & Black fought off the attackers in a spectacular fashion before celebrating in the ring together.
It looks like we could be seeing a 4-team storyline on SmackDown Live.