The SmackDown before WrestleMania kicked off with the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.
WWE SmackDown Results (April 1st, 2022): Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Akira Tozawa and Reggie were eliminated first, followed by R-Truth. Jinder Mahal was the next one out before the Hurt Business took out T-Bar. Madcap Moss eliminated Drew Gulak before Happy Corbin showed up at ringside to watch the match.
Corbin assisted Moss from the outside, but the distraction caused Ciampa to blindside Madcap in the ring. Apollo Crews eliminated Cedric Alexander while Azeez took out Benjamin. Mansoor, Apollo, and the Viking Raiders were eliminated one by one before Azeez and Shanky eliminated each other.
Finn Balor sent Damian Priest over the ropes before The Dirty Dawgs eliminated Ciampa. Balor, Moss, and the Dawgs remained in the ring, but Moss managed to eliminate Ziggler and Roode. Moss sent Balor outside before picking up the win!
Result: Madcap Moss won the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
After the match, Moss got on the mic and made a silly joke about Texas before SmackDown continued.
Grade: B
Ricochet (c) vs. Angel vs. Humberto - Intercontinental Championship match on SmackDown
The Lotharios isolated Ricochet right off the bat and took him down before unloading with kicks on the champ. The former tried for a springboard move but was caught by Angel.
Humberto and Angel were in the ring after Ricochet was sent outside, but the Lotharios refrained from attacking each other as we headed for a break. Back on SmackDown, Angel tried for a pin, but Humberto broke it up, leading to an argument between the two.
Ricochet came in with a springboard crossbody and took out the Lotharios before getting a standing Moonsault on Humberto for a near fall. Ricochet headed up the ropes, and Humberto went after him. The champ managed to drop Humberto on Angel and hit the 630 and the Recoil on Angel and Humberto, respectively, for the win.
Result: Ricochet def. Angel & Humberto
Grade: B
We got a short video to hype Stone Cold Steve Austin's appearance on the KO Show at WrestleMania 38.
Sasha Banks & Naomi vs. Zelina Vega & Carmella on SmackDown
Banks and Carmella kicked off the match, and Sasha was tossed out of the ring early on. The Boss was isolated in the opponent's corner as they tagged in and out while beating her up.
Carmella was in control and taunted Sasha before the latter tried to make the tag, but Zelina ran in and wiped Naomi off the apron. The Glow came in after finally getting a tag and hit a big double dropkick in the corner.
Naomi and Banks got some big moves in before the former picked up the win with a spit moonsault on Zelina in the corner.
Result: Sasha Banks & Naomi def. Zelina Vega & Carmella
Grade: B
Ronda Rousey was training backstage and said that if Charlotte doesn't tap out at WrestleMania, she will take the champ's arm off.
Charlotte came out next and repeatedly reiterated that she was cooler than Ronda, possibly to compensate for the fact that the latter was at least twice as strong as her.
Boogs and Nakamura were making their entrance, and Pat McAfee was jamming out on the announce desk as usual. Austin Theory came out and dropped the latter on the desk before running off.
Pat chased after Theory, who ran into Vince McMahon's office. McAfee tried to kick the door down, but Mr. McMahon showed up and told him to go back and do his job, or he would cancel his WrestleMania match and fire him.
Rick Boogs vs. Jimmy Uso on SmackDown
Boogs took control early on and caught Jimmy off a crossbody before lifting him 10 times and hitting the power slam. Uso took him down with some big strikes to the head, but Boogs lifted Jimmy into a military press and dropped him.
Austin Theory was out once more and attacked Pat. Cole kept McAfee from fighting back, and Theory was on his way out when Finn Balor ambushed him from behind, and they headed to the ring, ending the match.
Result: DNF
Grade: C
Rick Boogs, Shinsuke Nakamura & Finn Balor vs. The Usos & Austin Theory on SmackDown
A tag match was made official, and Nakamura was beating up Jimmy in the ring as we came back from commercials. Theory tagged in and took Nakamura out with a dive in the corner before hitting a vertical suplex.
Balor was next and sent Austin into the corner before Theory turned it around and stomped on him in the apron before tossing him outside. The Usos bounced Balor's head on the announce desk before sending him back in the ring.
The Usos attacked Finn while he was in the corner before Theory got the ATL on Balor and picked up the win while staring down Pat McAfee. The latter got in the ring, and Austin tried to taunt him, but Cole got McAfee to back off.
Result: The Usos & Austin Theory def. Rick Boogs, Shinsuke Nakamura & Finn Balor
Grade: B
Happy Talk was back on SmackDown, and one of the hosts was also the guest. Moss was excited about his Andre the Giant Memorial win, but Corbin brushed it off, calling Madcap his protégé.
Corbin hyped his match with Drew and renamed his sword Euphoria before making a joke about his mother. McIntyre walked out and Moss ran at him but was taken out with one strike.
McIntyre got a steel chair and headed to the ring, tossing it at Corbin before taking his sword back. The latter ran out before Drew could swing at him, and McIntyre destroyed the Happy Talk set as SmackDown went off the air.
Episode rating: B+
We had some great matches tonight on SmackDown including the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and an Intercontinental title match. Vince McMahon threatened to fire Pat McAfee while Corbin had a close call with Drew McIntyre's sword on the SmackDown before WrestleMania.