Nicole Elizabeth Polizzi, popularly known as "Snooki" recently appeared as a guest on Chris Jericho’s podcast, Talk is Jericho. Snooki, who was promoting her new podcast Naturally Nicole, stated that she is keen to get back into the WWE ring.
“I’m actually begging (Vince McMahon) to go back because I want to wrestle more,” she said.
Polizzi last wrestled at WrestleMania 27 and is keen to explore more of her in ring talent. She took part in a six-man mixed tag team match where she teamed with John Morrison and WWE Hall of Famer, Trish Stratus against Dolph Ziggler, Michelle McCool and Layla.
Polizzi also stated that participating in WrestleMania was her most memorable experience and believes she will be perfect as a WWE Diva.
“Just having more muscle and being more flexible, I feel like can do more moves in the ring,” she said. “It was such a fun experience that I would definitely go back for more.”