Chapter 3: Big Show Weigh-In

Next up is Jonathan Coachman who narrates the Big Show's weigh in.
Vince decides that we all need to get weighed. And, they are going to give us a target weight, and if we weren't there, then we had to be put on a nutritious system or whatever the case might be. But, weight was going to be the topic of the particular month.*
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
While waiting for his turn, one of the referees came and told that the Undertaker is looking for him. The Undertaker wanted him to run a pool and collect 10 dollars from everyone.
The rule was simple: whoever guesses Big Show's weight, keeps all the money. Coach managed to collect 630 dollars from the wrestlers, and everyone was anxious about their chances.
So, all of the sudden here comes the Big Show. He is walking and all of us are doing the worst job of hiding by there. He is trying to figure out why there are sixty people hanging out on the hallway next to where the scale is. So, Big Show is like I am not weighing-in in front of all of you guys. Get the hell out of here.*
Eventually, the doctor intervened and requested the Big Show to weigh-in as he couldn't wait any longer.
And like as the scale is going up to 400 to 430 to 440, 460, 470, you here guys those are dropping off. 475, 481, (48)2, four hundred and eighty three legit pounds. And, who is the one person in life you never want to win anything because of the jabber-jaw that is going to come after. JBL!*
Luckily, the wrestlers were in St. Louis at the next week where they can get a beer for a dollar. JBL gave the bartender 630 dollars and told him to keep on giving beer to all the wrestlers until it was over.
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