#2 Not a great move: Lesnar’s special status hurt

Brock Lesnar is THE Beast. A freak of nature and a once-in-a-lifetime athlete. There is a reason why WWE books him like an unstoppable force of nature, and it is because Vince McMahon sees him as a special attraction.
After leaving WWE, Jon Moxley, FKA Dean Ambrose, spoke on Chris Jericho’s podcast, Talk Is Jericho, in an episode that turned out to cause a huge uproar in the internet wrestling community.
Moxley stated there that the Chairman has a “million dollar man complex” and “has to be able to buy,” which is “why he pays Brock [Lesnar] millions of dollars” because, according to Moxley, “he [McMahon] wants to own Brock” as his attraction.
It is difficult to remember the last time Brock Lesnar lost clean to someone. Yes, Goldberg did that in 2016 but he, too, is a part-timer.
So, not only has Rollins beat him clean, he has also done it twice in two of the biggest PPVs WWE has to offer, and that is definitely going to put a dent in Brock Lesnar’s status as the Beast who can’t be slayed at all.