#12 WWE United States Championship: Rusev (C) with Lana vs. Roman Reigns
Lana is first to make her way to the ring and gives her husband an esteemed introduction. Rusev then makes her way to the ring to defend the honour of his new bride. Roman Reigns’ music hits and the crowd start booing – a hostile reception.
As Reigns makes his way to the ring Rusev attacks the challenger and takes the fight away from the ring, before the bell is rung. Reigns counters by sending Rusev into the timekeeper’s area before he hit the Superman Punch. The brawl continues and officials interfere to restore normalcy, but to no avail.
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Reigns gets hold of a steel chair and lands two lusty blows to the back of the Bulgarian Brute, who is seen clutching his ribs in pain. Officials are able to separate the two and Reigns is escorted backstage. It is then officially announced that Rusev cannot compete in the clash as has been advised by the doctor.
But Reigns makes his way back to ringside and spears Rusev on the floor. The match thus ends in a no contest and Rusev retains his WWE United States Championship, with a heel turn on the cards for Reigns.
Result: Match ends in a no contest as Rusev was deemed unfit to compete
Segment Rating: 5/10