#8 Team WWE vs. the Nexus (2010)

In 2010, WWE materialized the concept of NXT to nurture the future Superstars. The season 1 starred with the likes of Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield (Ryback), and many more.
However, things went south after the conclusion of the inaugural season. The entire pack of NXT Superstars executed a hostile takeover on Raw under the leadership of the season’s winner, Wade Barrett. They attacked the Superstars, support staff, security and torn down the entire ring.
After two months, the Nexus faced the team WWE in a seven-on-seven elimination tag team match. Bryan took an exception to the core values of Nexus and joined team WWE instead. Team WWE featured the likes of John Cena, Edge, Chris Jericho, Bret Hart, and they went on to win the match.