Charlotte & Sareena Sandhu vs. Natalya & Bayley at Superstar Spectacle (contd...)
Back on Superstar Spectacle, Sandhu hit a neck breaker on Natalya before taking out Bayley from the apron. Bayley took her down on the outside and got a near fall in the ring. Natalya was back in and got a leglock in, but Sandhu reversed it.
Charlotte took out Bayley with a Big Boot before Natalya locked in the Sharpshooter in the ring. Charlotte hit the Natural Selection, and Sareena got the pin, picking up the win.
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Result: Charlotte & Sareena Sandhu def. Natalya & Bayley
Match rating: B
Ric Flair was out next on Superstar Spectacle and wished everyone a Happy Republic Day before kicking off the main event of the night. Jinder Mahal came out and said that everyone was there to see him before Drew McIntyre made his entrance.
Drew McIntyre & Indus Sher vs. Jinder Mahal & The Bollywood Boyz at Superstar Spectacle
Drew was in the ring, and Jinder sent Sunil and Sameer, with the latter slapping Drew and getting some big strike in return. Drew tagged Rinku of Indus Sher in, and he was dominating the match.