1. Dean Ambrose – WWE World Heavyweight Champion
I was torn between awarding this to Ambrose or Kevin Owens, but Ambrose gets the nod as he has been on the roster longer and has been in PPV WWE Championship matches multiple times.
Ambrose was the only member of the Shield showing heel tendencies while the trio teamed together and it was unfathomable to think then he alone would remain without a WWE World heavyweight title win following their split. However, Ambrose has shown great resilience to remain relevant in the company and have more than a sniff at the World title too.
He is the most popular of the trio and the fans have been begging for him to be given a chance with the title. The chants may be falling on deaf ears, but Ambrose cannot continue not to win the big matches and still expect to be relevant in the eyes of the WWE Universe.
The WWE Creative needs to give the title to Ambrose – and it would be ripe for an Ambrose vs Reigns feud to happen for the first time ever during the course of the same.