#2. WWE Chairman Vince McMahon
WWE Chairman Vince McMahon may have famously declared that "Bret screwed Bret" when it came to what happened at Survivor Series twenty-four years ago, but the fact remains - it was his call to pull it off in the end.
Of course, following those events in 1997, McMahon would go on to become one of the greatest villains in wrestling history -- maybe even entertainment history. By establishing that he was willing to do anything to succeed, Mr. McMahon became the perfect foil to the company's new major star, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Maybe you've heard of him?
It was this feud, as well as making new stars out of the likes of Mankind, The Rock, Triple H, and the Big Show (just to name a few), WWE was able to regain their position on top of the wrestling world, and eventually win the Monday Night War, as it were.
These days, Vince McMahon is still running the ship. As it always has been, every business and creative decision goes through "the boss" (no, not Bruce Springsteen, although that would be weird), and he doesn't really seem ready to call it a day any time soon.