The big story going into TLC was sadly the virus running rampant backstage that has kept Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns off the card, causing Kurt Angle to return to in-ring action as Reigns' substitute in the main event.
Sasha Banks vs Alicia Fox
The two women locked up as the match began. Sasha sent Alicia crashing out of the ring. Alicia charged back into the ring immediately and went for a headlock. Sasha countered it and took Alicia down.
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Alicia broke free from an attempted Banks Statement and took the fight out to ringside. Alicia slammed Banks off the floor before tossing her into the ring and covering her for a 2-count.
Alicia wasted too much time at this point and Sasha locked in a Banks Statement for the win.
Sasha Banks def. Alicia Fox (via submission)
Asuka vs Emma

We kicked off TLC with Asuka's long-awaited main-roster debut. The "Empress Of Tomorrow" got a massive pop from the fans as she came down to the ring.
The match started off fast as Asuka immediately tried to lock in a submission move before Emma briefly took down Asuka. She replied with an attempted ankle lock before Emma took control. She dumped Asuka out of the rope before depositing her in the corner.
Emma made the mistake of slapping Asuka and she replied by hitting a running knee after knocking Emma off her feet. Asuka followed it up a series of kicks taking Emma down followed by a dropkick from the middle rope.
Emma was not done yet. She knocked Asuka down with a cheapshot to the back of the head. She got a 2-count off a running boot but Asuka was soon back on her feet with an ankle lock locked in. She followed it up with a massive suplex.
Emma followed it with one more cheapshot at ringside before tossing Asuka back into the ring. Asuka greeted Emma with a spinning kick when she joined Asuka and immediately locked in the Asuka Lock. Emma was forced to tap. Asuka sealed a debut win.
Asuka def. Emma (via pinfall)
Elias in Minneapolis
We got another opportunity to watch Elias perform tonight. Minneapolis greeted Elias with a nice pop but everyone wasn't so keen to see Elias perform. Soon after Elias started his performance, someone chucked a vegetable at him. Elias admonished the crowd but another was soon chucked at him.
As the house lights came on, it turned out to be Jason Jordan who had a shopping cart with him. Sadly, the segment didn't build on this and Jordan just walked away as Elias looked on.
Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher vs Cedric Alexander and Rich Swann

Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher took on the exciting team of Cedric Alexander and Rich Swann next. Gallagher and Swann started us off but both men made tags soon before Cedric hit a dive out to ringside onto both Kendrick and Gallagher.
With Swann the legal man, Kendrick sent him face-first into the top turnbuckle before tagging in "Gentleman" Jack. Gallagher hit Swann with a few kicks before tagging Kendrick back in. Kendrick hit a nice suplex followed by kicks to the gut. The heels traded tags as they isolated Swann in the corner before Swann tossed a running Brian Kendrick out of the ring before making a tag of his own.
Cedric came in and hit Gallagher with the handspring Enzeguiri followed by a running tackle in the corner and springboard elbow drop. He went for the cover but Kendrick pulled him out of the ring. Kendrick made a tag and hit Cedric with a superkick before locking in the Captain's Hook.
Swann hit a Phoenix Splash onto Kendrick while the Hook was still locked in. Gallagher came in and Swann greeted him with a Rich Kick before Gallagher replied with a headbutt as both men went down.
Cedric was back on his feet and he hit Kendrick with the Lumbar Check for the win. A really good match from the cruiserweights. I love Swann and Alexander together. Hopefully, they can transition into a tag-team outside the Cruiserweight Division.
Cedric Alexander and Rich Swann def. Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher (via pinfall)
Alexa Bliss (C) vs Mickie James (for the RAW Women's Championship)

Mickie James used her experience early on, as she took control in the early stages putting Alexa off her game and forcing her to run to the ropes. Mickie replied by spanking Alexa. Mickie followed it up by taking Alexa to ground and following it up with a running root.
Alexa capitalized on a mistake by Mickie, wrenching her arm into the top rope. Alexa continued working on Mickie's arm and shoulder. Mickie finally managed to catch Alexa with a kick to the head, sending both women down.
They traded strikes on their knees and continued as they got back to their feet. Mickie James unloaded on Alexa and took her down with multiple running tackles before getting a 2-count. Alexa replied with a Sunset Bomb for a 2-count of her own.
Mickie James sent Alexa face-first into the mat before heading to the top rope. Alexa pushed her off, causing Mickie to land on her shoulder. Alexa looked foe the Twisted Bliss but James moved and Alexa landed face-first onto the mat.
Mickie capitalized and hit a flying boot from the top rope. However, Mickie dropped her guard for a second and Alexa hit her with a DDT for the win.
Alexa Bliss def. Mickie James (via pinfall)
Elias: Take 2
After getting interrupted by Jason Jordan earlier, Elias was out once again to give the fans what they truly wanted - the performance that would change their lives. He was greeted by a loud volley of boos before Jason Jordan came out again to chuck more vegetables at Elias.
Enzo Amore (C) vs Kalisto (for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship)

After everything that happened on RAW, Kalisto was in no mood for games. He immediately charged at Enzo who took refuge behind the referee while holding onto the ropes. Kalisto replied with a suicide dive after Enzo had ended up at ringside.
Back in the ring, Enzo capitalized on Kalisto getting distracted to send him crashing to the mat. Enzo worked Kalisto over and taunted him but his cockiness gave the champ an opening as Kalisto hit him with a rolling kick.
Enzo booted Kalisto back down to the mat immediately before catching him with a right hand. Enzo toyed with Kalisto before the luchadore went for the Salita Del Sol. Enzo crawled away and grabbed the ring skirt. In the moment where the referee put the ring skirt away, Enzo poked Kalisto in the eye before hitting the JawdonZo for the win.
Enzo Amore def. Kalisto (via pinfall)
Finn Balor vs AJ Styles

With Bray Wyatt out, we got treated to an absolute dream match as Finn Balor took on AJ Styles. If anything, this match was hard to follow. "This is awesome" chants started even before the bell rang.
The two men locked up as soon as we got underway to duelling chants from the fans in attendance. AJ and Finn traded takedowns before coming to a stalemate. Balor hit Styles with a spinning kick to the gut before AJ replied with a dropkick of his own.
The counters continued as Finn avoided Styles' offence and hit him with an enzeguiri from the apron. Finn then locked in a surfboard lock as the crowd roared in approval. Finn transitioned into another submission before AJ made his way to his feet and hit a chop. Finn bounced back off the Irish Whip and hit a dropkick off a sunset flip roll.
AJ replied with a snap suplex followed by a jumping knee drop. AJ followed it up with a leaping springboard forearm for a 2-count followed by a backbreaker. The "Demon" looked in trouble as AJ hit him with an enzeguiri. The two men then traded strikes and chops before Finn knocked AJ off his perch on the top turnbuckle with an enzeguiri.
As AJ landed on the floor, Finn launched himself over the top rope and onto AJ. Back in the ring, Balor hit a Slingblade. He looked to follow it up but AJ responded with an Ushi Goroshi. Styles signalled for the Styles Clash but Finn broke free in the nick of time. Undeterred, AJ hit a sitout facebuster. Finn didn't stay down for long as he hit a standing double stomp.
AJ used his veteran instincts to lock in a Calf Crusher out of nowhere. Unable to reach the ropes, Finn attacked AJ's head to break free. He then blocked a Phenomenal Forearm by pushing AJ out to ringside. Balor headed to the apron and followed it up with a PK, before heading to ringside and hitting a dropkick that sent Styles into the barricade.
Styles replied by dumping Balor over the German announce table. Both men beat the 10-count and scrambled back into the ring before accidentally taking each other out.
They got back to their feet and traded strikes before Finn hit a Pele Kick. Finn followed it up with a 1916 but Styles kicked out. AJ followed it up with a Pele Kick and a hurracanrana for a near fall of his own.
AJ missed a springboard 450 and Finn followed it up with the Shotgun Dropkick. He followed it up with a Coup de Grace for the win.
Finn Balor def. AJ Styles (via pinfall)
Elias vs Jason Jordan
After interrupting Elias a couple of times, Jordan faced Elias in an impromptu match. The two Superstars locked up as soon as the bell rang. Jordan took Elias down, dumping him to the mat in a belly-to-back position. Elias headed to ringside to recover.
Back in the ring, Elias hit a cheapshot to take control before Jason caught him in midair and hit a running slam. Jordan followed it up with a dropkick for a 2-count. Jordan looked to follow it up with a belly-to-belly but Elias poked Jordan in the eye before hitting a running knee to Jordan's back, sending him face-first into the corner.
Elias locked in an abdominal stretch but Jordan broke free. He drove Elias into opposite turnbuckles before hitting the belly-to-belly suplex followed by the running shoulder into the corner. Jordan then placed Elias on the top turnbuckle but Elias caught Jordan with a knee to the side of the face. Elias wasted no time and tossed Jordan into the turnbuckle.
Jordan then reversed a vertical suplex to roll Elias up for the 3-count, although Elias pretty clearly looked to have his shoulder up on the 3rd count.
Jason Jordan def. Elias (via pinfall)
Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Kurt Angle vs The Miz, Sheamus, Cesaro, Kane and Braun Strowman (TLC match)

The big talking point - Kurt Angle teaming up with Ambrose and Rollins in full Shield gear.
Angle, Rollins and Ambrose wielded chairs at ringside and took the fight to the five heels. Angle looked strange in the Shield outfit but he looked pretty good early on as Ambrose and Rollins double-teamed Kane. Angle then drove a ladder into Kane's midsection.
Ambrose and Rollins took the top off the announcer's table but Sheamus and Cesaro jumped them, pretty unsuccessfully. However, Kane got back to his feet at this point and he was greeted by Ambrose and Rollins. Braun Strowman charged in and he wiped all three of his opponents before clearing another announcer's table. Rollins wielded a chair, the great equalizer, on Strowman before Ambrose struck him with a chair of his own.
Strowman and Kane were laid out on two adjoining announce tables and Rollins and Ambrose leapt off ladders together. Seth looked to be possibly injured as he clutched his knee.
Meanwhile, Kurt Angle was isolated in the ring by Sheamus, Cesaro and Miz. The nastiest tag-team on RAW wedged a ladder in the corner with Angle trapped before driving the ladder into Kurt.
Sheamus, Cesaro and Miz then looked to mock The Shield and hit Angle with a Shield Powerbomb but Ambrose and Rollins stopped them in their tracks.
Kurt Angle burst into action in the ring, hitting Miz, Sheamus and Cesaro with German Suplexes. He then locked in an Ankle Lock on Kane only for Strowman to break it up.
Strowman then set up a table at ringside and hit Angle with a Running Powerslam through it.
Ambrose and Rollins were truly outnumbered now as Angle was led backstage by medics. We got some uncharacteristically good commentary from Booker T who explained why it wasn't smart for Kurt to have volunteered in the first place.
Rollins got sent head-first through a chair set up in the corner. the five heels were systematically picking apart Ambrose and Rollins till Strowman was sidestepped by Rollins and he went face-first into a chair in the corner. Kane then hit Strowman with a chair by mistake and almost came to blows.
The heels regrouped after Ambrose and Rollins tried to jump them. Cesaro and Sheamus then set up a table and hit Ambrose with a double powerbomb through it. That wasn't enough for the table to break and Strowman had to toss Ambrose through it again to break it.
Miz then called out a garbage truck and the heels tossed Ambrose and Rollins into it. However, they still fought back from the truck and leapt off it onto their opponents. They isolated Miz at ringside and set up two tables. Kane intervened at this point but Ambrose and Rollins overpowered him until Strowman joined the fray.
Kane suddenly turned on Strowman at this point and choke slammed him through the stage. Kane then sent a pile of chairs crashing into Strowman. As Strowman lay buried under a bunch of chairs, Kane turned his attention back to Ambrose and Rollins who fought back with right hands of their own. Kane double chokeslammed Ambrose and Rollins through a table as Cesaro and Sheamus got back into the fray.
Braun Strowman got back to his feet at this point as Kane looked on in disbelief. Miz begged Strowman to keep the peace but it was too late. He took Miz and Sheamus out before charging at Kane. Shemaus and Cesaro tried to contain Storwman as all four of his teammates turned on him. They dumped Strowman in the garbage truck and Miz looked worried because of what he'd done. This will definitely come back to bite Miz.
The heels headed back to ringside with Ambrose and Rollins. They surrounded the ring Shield-style and assaulted Rollins before Ambrose broke up a count on Rollins.
Kurt Angle's music hit at this point as Kurt headed back out, clutching his ribs. He suplexed Cesaro before dodging a Brogue Kick and hitting Sheamus with an Angle Slam. Kurt then hit Cesaro with an Angle Slam onto a table.
Kurt headed into the ring and Kane easily overpowered him. As Kane was about to Tombstone Kurt, Ambrose and Rollins attacked him with steel chairs before driving him through the barricade.
Miz came into the ring at this point and sneaked up on Angle to hit a Skull Crushing Finale for the nearest of falls.
Miz looked to hit a second Skull Crushing Finale but Angle locked in an Ankle Lock. Miz somehow booted Kurt out of the ring. Ambrose, Rollins and Angle were back up Shield-style.
Rollins hit Miz with a King's Landing, Ambrose followed it with a Dirty Deeds and Angle hit his patented Angle Slam. The three of them then triple Powerbombed The Miz before Angle pinned him for the win.
Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Kurt Angle def. The Miz, Sheamus, Cesaro, Kane and Braun Strowman (via pinfall)