WWE: Top 10 Elimination Chamber matches of all time

The Elimination Chamber

8- No Way Out 2009- WWE Championship Match: Edge (c) vs. Big Show vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H vs. Undertaker vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Triple H and Big Show

Triple H and Big Show

This was another match which involved Edge as the champion. But this time he didn’t have the luxury of keeping the title as he was pitted against much better opponents.

In fact, Edge was the first one to be eliminated after he was on the receiving side of Jeff Hardy. Kozlov then exited the chamber when Taker gave him a last ride. Hardy then eliminated Big Show with a death defying Swanton bomb, leaving him, Triple H and Undertaker in the ring.

Hardy then was eliminated by Taker’s pile driver but the dead man would then fall for Triple H’s pedigree. The Game won the match fair and square and got one over Taker at the same time.

7-No Way Out 2008- Winner Receives World Heavyweight Championship Match At Wrestlemania 24: Batista vs. Big Daddy V vs. Finlay vs. The Great Khali vs. MVP vs. Undertaker

Undertaker and MVP

Undertaker and MVP

The No Way Out pay-per-view of 2008 was capped with two great elimination matches and this was the first of the two. A line up involving Big Daddy V and Khali doesn’t sound that exciting but thankfully they were the first two to be eliminated which left MVP and Finlay to pick the scraps of Taker and Batista.

From the four men, MVP was eliminated first by Taker who tossed him from the top of a pod. Taker then went on to eliminate Finlay with a choke slam onto the steel.

It was the animal vs. the deadman at the last moment but the night belonged to Taker as he emerged victorious with a tombstone pile driver which set up his match against Edge at WrestleMania.

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