Let’s take a look at the greatest tag teams of all time. WWE has gained renowned reputation around the globe through the high-octane action and the exciting storylines that it feeds to the viewers. Many wrestlers have dominated the ring with some amazing individual performances which have helped them attain various titles. But working as a team always requires that extra effort and many have done just that. The artistic teamwork skills that some teams have displayed were very joyful to watch. So, let’s go through some of these breathtaking factions in the game.
#10 The Brothers of Destruction
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A team purely based on superhuman strength, Undertaker and Kane eradicating everyone on their path is an undersatement. These 7 feet giants were extremely eerie in the ring and justified it with some deadly performances.
Their rivalry with Rhino and DDP knew no bounds and they were instrumental in inspiring all the current tag teams to be at their top and to take every fight with all the power they’ve got. Not exactly nimble footed but this team was invincible when at its best.
#9 Strike Force
Strike Force was a tag team composed of Rick Martel and Tito Santana. They were warded off as being the “pretty boys” and therefore, weren’t seriously considered in the running of the WWE Tag Team titles.
They continued their feud with the Islanders in the 1980’s before finally getting a shot at the championship which they won and held for a considerable amount of time until Wreslemania IV.
#8 Hart Foundation
Constituting of brother Jimmy Hart and Bret Hart, the Hart Foundation used the song “Anvil” for their titantron. This song talked about an adrenaline rush repeatedly. And they lived up to the lyrics with some brilliant displays in the ring.
Another faction known mainly for their camaraderie rather than individual strength, they are one of the few teams who have a team finisher known as Hart Attack. A truly inspiring way to be crowned as two-time tag team champions.
#7 The British Bulldogs
Cousins Davey Boy Smith and the Dynamite Kid formed another majestic tag team in the 1980s in the form of the British Bulldogs. They were the epitome of showmanship as they had a unique accent and a mascot called Matilda who used to fascinate everyone.
Include it with their wrestling skills and we have a perfect match. Even the legendary Bret Hart claims that it was their style that helped change the outlook of WWE at the time. Here are some moments of the epic match between the Hart Foundation and the British Bulldogs for the Tag Team Championship.
#6 The Dudley Boyz
Baba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley formed an alliance which turned out to be the specialist team for TLC (Tables, ladders and chairs) matches. They still remain the only team to win the WCW, ECW, WWF, NWA and TNA Tag Team Titles.
They were gutsy enough to insult the crowd and still emerge as the best tag finisher ever. They had their own ways of doing things but would always end up with a certain title. Such is their streak of title achievements. They truly were an incredible team.
#5 The Usos
Extremely athletic and always entertaining for the public, Jimmy and Jey Uso are the current tag team champions. They have annihilated bigshots like the crazy Wyatt Family and the enigmatic Rhodes brothers to win this coveted title.
Their good-natured will to save wrestlers in the ring have earned them a lot of emotional accolades from fans. Energy oozing through them, they have held up the reputation of their father, Rikishi, in the ring.
#4 Edge and Christian
This was one such team which normally wasn’t considered to be in the spotlight. But Edge and Christian never let it bother them and always used to make a mockery out of other wrestlers to bring them out in the open and ultimately defeat them.
Even the likes of Undertaker, Rock, the Hardy Boyz and the Dudley Brothers faced the wrath of this team. With a knack of knowing the other person’s moves, this tag team took the WWE universe by storm.
#3 Hardy Boyz
Atleticism at their best. Teamwork at its best. Extremely underrated, Hardy Boyz wreaked havoc wherever they went. Brothers Matt and Jeff, with vigorous practice, delivered some moves which could make anybody stand up and take notice.
For example, Matt delivered his opponent a twist of faith before Jeff , who would climb up the corner ropes, jump on the spent opponent, landing horizontally on him. Maximum risk with maximum damage. Thats what the two brothers have always stood for which has made the WWE universe ogle at their sheer class.
#2 D-Generation X
Triple-H and Shawn Michaels are real-time buddies and they didnt let their off-screen friendship go to waste as they formed one of the most deadly tag-teams in the business till now – D-Generation X. With flashy credits, suave style and incredible teamwork, they became a huge fan-favorite.
With two of the most popular wrestlers in the ring, everybody used to be on their toes when they had a match. You just never know what they would do due to their unpredictable nature. Also, they always had a rich sense of humour to keep the audience entertained.
#1 Road Warriors
This is a team which is still respected and feared by almost every WWE superstar. A successful manager like Paul Heyman regarded them as the best tag team in the world. Even current WWE World Heavyweight Champion thought of them as “the most scariest dudes in the business”.
With extremely intimidating looks and moves, they destroyed everyone on their path to be ultimately regarded by everyone to be at the pinnacle of this genre. Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal were at their athletic best everytime and never lost their tandem.