7: Triple H, Mick Foley, Big Show and The Rock – Saturday Night Live!
Saturday Night Love is one of the most iconic shows in television history. The show has had an immense effect on pop culture. Over the years, the crème de la crème of the entertainment industry have hosted the show.
In the weeks leading up to WrestleMania 2000, The Rock hosted SNL and did an amazing job. However, the segment that stole the show involved cameos by his WrestleMania 2000 co-main eventers Triple H, Mick Foley and the Big Show. Triple H played his usual badass self while Mick Foley charmed with his self-depreciating humour. The Big Show, who hasn’t really done tv shows before this, impressed with his big kid gimmick and penchant for humour which he later incorporated into his wrestling persona.