7: Eugene

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Nick Dinsmore played the character of Eugene, Eric Bischoff’s relative who had ‘learning difficulties’. Bischoff was ashamed of Eugene and wasn’t happy when Eugene tried to earn himself a place on Raw, something that he achieved. Eugene used famous wrestling finishers of his supposed WWE heroes. He hung around for a while and was presented as a wrestler with ‘special needs’. He hung around for a while till fans interested waned.
Eugene was a terrible and offensive gimmick that made light of people with serious mental disabilities and all for a few comedic bits that never amounted to anything.
6: Oz

Take a look at the man in the picture. That was actually one of Kevin Nash’s early gimmicks in WCW in the early 1990’s before he’d join the WWE for the first time in 1993. The gimmick was said to be the idea of booker Dusty Roads and came to the ring in emerald green robes and a pointy hat.
Oz was pushed for about a months before his push was dropped when Nash refused to sign a new contract. For the rest of 1991 Oz lost to Rick Steiner and Dustin Rhodes to Arachnaman.