1. CM Punk vs John Cena for the WWE title – Money in the Bank 2011
And the number 1 spot goes to, to no one’s surprise, CM Punk vs John Cena for the WWE title in Chicago.
This was the most memorable period in the WWE for more than a decade, and CM Punk ushered a revolution in the WWE. He vowed to walk away as the WWE champion, and Vince tried to do everything within his power to not let that happen.
Punk and Cena put on a solid match for nearly 30 minutes, and what made this match so amazing wasn’t just the in-ring action, but the psychology and the storytelling involved in the bout. Punk delivered a GTS to Cena to pick up the victory, as a stunned Vince McMahon looked on.
Vince asked Alberto Del Rio to come out and cash-in his briefcase, but Punk delivered a round house kick and escaped through the crowd, but not before kissing Vince McMahon goodbye! This is undoubtedly one of the greatest matches in the past decade, and that puts this match right on top in our list.
Rating: *****