4. Chris Harris
One of the greatest tag teams in TNA history – also one of the most forgotten teams of TNA – was America’s Most Wanted. Comprising of ‘Wild Cat’ Chris Harris and ‘Cowboy’ James Storm, AMW became a 6 time NWA tag team champions as a team.
The duo would dominate the tag team division and Harris – more popular of the two – seemed set to ascend to the TNA main event scene. He did get a title match against the perennial champion Jarrett, but in typical TNA fashion would lose the match after a dozen interferences.
Harris’ singles career never really took off and his big singles feud was against his former partner Storm, after which he would leave the company.
Harris would make his way to the WWE in 2008, but without his usual charisma and with a lot of body fat. His ‘Braden Walker’ moniker would be a running joke and he would try his hand in TNA again, only to see the exit once more.