Semi-final #1
Mark Andrews vs. Pete Dunne
Mark Andrews came out in a fetching purple version of his attire. He was showing the effects of the last match as he was holding his neck and his entrance was not nearly as energetic as it had been for his first two matches. No respect shown from Pete Dunne as the two competitors stared at each other across the squared circle.
Dunne targeted the neck immediately. I’m no rocket scientist but it was probably because he saw Andrews grab it on the way out. However, Andrews used his high-flying style to gain the advantage once again.
Pete regained control for a few moments with more joint manipulation as we saw last night but Andrews managed to pull off a hurricanrana from the stairs. Not one match had not made it to the outside up to this point. It was starting to annoy me. I love outside action as much as the next person, but there’s only so much you can do. Keep it to the ring for once! You’re British, have some couth!
No-one really had control for too long as momentum switched back and forth. However, Andrews looked like he was going for a standing moonsault but managed an extra rotation which rightfully impressed the crowd. A running shooting star almost sent Andrews to the semi-final but Dunne rolled to the outside. In a match with a high-flyer. Smart.
Dunne caught the apron moonsault and drove Andrews’ into the apron he had just sprung from. He really did start to show a horrendously aggressive side once again as Dunne executed the X-Plex on the ramp where he’d caused so much damage to Gradwell. Andrews made it back into the ring just before the tenth ‘10!’.
Another X-Plex was reversed into the Stundog and Dunne kicked out! I was starting to wonder what it would take to put either of them away. I would be left in further shock as Andrews went for a shooting star press and was met with Dunne’s knees. He kicked out too!
Kick out after kick out caused the crowd to explode and this was really starting to feel like a pay-per-view quality production. Dunne finally caught the Bitter End after a third attempted X-Plex and advanced to the finals!!
Winner by pinfall – Pete Dunne
That match was absolutely amazing. It would take a lot to beat that for the rest of the night. I had no idea that match would steal the show at this point. Both men had amazing chemistry in the ring and told a story that any WWE Superstar would have been proud to have been involved in. It was true NXT quality. I did not expect to be this impressed!