You can't stop but think how big a loss it would be for WWE when (if?) Dean Ambrose walks away from the company when his contract expires.
In the last few weeks, it just seems that WWE has let Dean Ambrose loose and let him do his thing and as a result, he's been one of the top attractions. Every time his segments have been something to look forward to and always leave a mark.
What all of this does is makes you think why WWE didn't do more with him. The difference between the Dean who was forced to act scared of catching flu and other diseases and the one that is on display now is day and night and it is the current version that WWE adores so much.
At the same time, you've got to think what a big loss it is for WWE that they've not been able to keep his services. A lot of the blame could go to the creative team (or one could say the lack of creativity of the creative team) but at the same time, you've got to ask what the top management had been doing. This is even more relevant because this comes during a time when a new threat in the name of AEW is gathering momentum and is becoming more and more of a potent threat.
There couldn't be a more damning example of a wrestler who is a crowd favorite and probably one of the best performers on the roster getting frustrated with the way WWE has managed him over a long duration of time. And the alarming situation for WWE is the fact that Dean is not the only one who has been mishandled, the list is long and with a viable alternative in AEW available, many wrestlers would be looking to jump ships if they don't see a change happening in the near future.
If it is, in fact, true that Dean would actually leave WWE once his contract expires then it would be a huge loss because WWE loses a star as capable and as popular as the other members of the Shield and possibly to one of their biggest and most competitive threat in a long time.