08.21 am IST: Wow. Running knee to take out his opponents. Bryan Yes Locks in Batista and Batista taps out!! He taps out! DANIEL BRYAN is the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion!
What a night after 8 months of fighting the Authority. What a celebration. The impossible dream. The crown goes berserk! The Yes movement wins at New Orleans at WrestleMania XXX.
08.20 am IST: Unbelievable. Near fall on Orton followed by on Batista.
08.18 am IST: Bryan locks in Yes Lock on Orton. Batista breaks but Bryan then locks in Batista. Survives! What a match!
08.16 am IST: Wait a minute.. Bryan stands up. Gets out of the stretcher. Wonder how much this man can take. Randy Orton takes out Batista and Orton looks for RKO.
08.15 am IST: The medical team is taking Bryan out on a stretcher with the neck brace on. Don’t think he will wake up. Crowd tries to cheer up and get Bryan back! Seems highly unlikely now.
08.12 am IST: Would you believe it? Batista goes for the powerbomb on top of the announcers table and Randy Orton takes him out with a RKO while Bryan was in air. Both men down as Bryan looks severely injured with Bryan getting some medical assistance. Bryan has not moved since that assault. Batista in complete control here as he tries to take out Orton.
08.10 am IST: Bryan tries to gain the opportunity and tries to pin Batista but Randy Orton saves it.
08.10 am IST: Daniel Bryan flies and takes out The Authority including Stephanie McMahon as well. Triple H brings out the sledgehammer but the plan backfires as Bryan hits him with the hammer.
08.08 am IST: Triple H gets a new referee as Batista tries to pin Bryan. Bryan survives and kicks out the referee. No disqualification.
08.06 am IST: Daniel Bryan had Yes Lock locked in but Triple H and Stephanie McMahon comes in and Triple H pulls the referee out from the ring.
08.02 am IST: As Bryan was trying to build some momentum by hitting kicks on both Batista and Orton at random. Takes out Batista but Orton counters with a suplex.
08.00 am IST: Randy Orton counters and puts Batista through the steel steps. Right then goes after Bryan and tries to keep him out of the equation. Smart move.
07.59 am IST: Batista taking out Randy Orton here while Bryan is no where to be seen. Must be down still.
07.58 am IST: Rightly Randy Orton goes directly at Daniel Bryan’s injured arm. Bryan cries in pain and agony.
07.55 am IST: Bryan can lift only one arm here for his Yes chant entrance.
07.51 am IST: Here comes Daniel Bryan. His left hand looks broken as of now. Wonder how is he going to compete against The Viper and The Animal like that.
07.51 am IST: The Animal Batista is next. Powerful entrance.
07.48 am IST: Moving on, Triple Threat match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is next. Randy Orton comes out first.
07.44 am IST: AJ Lee executes the Black Widow on Tamina, she taps out and AJ Lee is still the WWE Divas Champion.
07.41 am IST: This match has been all mayhem so far. Bodies everywhere and everyone trying to gain the initiative!
07.38 am IST: Vicky Guerrero invitational is next.
07.35 am IST: How are YOU feeling guys? Let us know in the comments.
07.32 am IST: The entire arena, commentator stand up and pays their respect to The Dead Man. What a career. Greatest streak! Greatest performer ever. End of an era! Surely his last WrestleMania.
07.26 am IST: Wow. You won’t believe what just happened. Lesnar F5s The Undertaker for the 3rd time in the match and Brock Lesnar pins Taker. The streak is broken! The 75,000+ people here cannot believe it. Including me! 21-1.
07.23 am IST: Both athletes look exhausted now. Taker somehow musts up energy and tombstones Lesnar. Lesnar survives.
07.20 am IST: The Undertaker now tries old school rope walk on Lesnar but Lesnar counters and F5s Taker for the second time in the match. A near fall.
07.17 am IST: Lesnar tries the Kimura Lock on The Undertaker. Tries to break Taker’s arm but fails instead Taker counters and locks in Kimura Lock on Lesnar somehow. Lesnar somehow survives by reaching to the ropes. Some match this is.
07.17 am IST: Taker locks in Hell’s Gate for the second time. Same result. Wow!
07.15 am IST: Streak vs Beast continues as The Undertaker executes Hell’s Gate on Lesnar. Lesnar doesn’t tap out but lifts Taker and breaks the Hell’s Gate by slamming Undertaker on the mat of the ring.
07.14 am IST: Lesnar replies with a counter and F5s The Undertaker. Taker kicks out at two. Wow!
07.13 am IST: Undertaker takes out Brock Lesnar with a chokeslam. Lesnar kicks out at two.
07.12 am IST: Undertaker bringing in some old school wrestling as high boot hits Lesnar as Paul Heyman shouts in agony.
07.10 am IST: Taker looks down here. Cornered to the ring and Lesnar is punching him left right and center with his MMA skills. Taker fights back and counters with a DDT.
07.06 am IST: Lesnar trying to take out Taker by injuring and concentrating his right leg. At this point, Lesnar seems to have the upper hand.
07.02 am IST: Both men trying to take the initiative! The Undertaker trying to take out Lesnar methodically here Lesnar has been hit to the steel post twice so far already.
06.59 am IST: Interesting outfit there by the Undertaker. Here we go!
06.53 am IST: Another chilling entrance as The Dead Man walks.
06.53 am IST: DONG!
06.49 am IST: Brock Lesnar is here along with Paul Heyman.
06.45 am IST: The biggest match of the night is next. The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar.
06.42 am IST: Hall of Fame, the class of 2014 are presented here.
6.35 am IST: Bray Wyatt tries to grab the opportunity and tries to execute Sister Abigail on Cena, Cena counters and AAs Bray Wyatt to pick the win.
06.34 am IST: Bray Wyatt brings a steel chair to the ring. Remember it would have been an automatic disqualification if anyone would have used it inside the ring. Bray Wyatt gives the chair to Cena instead of using it against him. Cena doesn’t take the bait, stays true to himself and takes out Eric Rowan instead with the steel chair.
06.31 am IST: Wow, Cena takes out Luke Harper through the barricade. It is broken! 06.30 am IST: Cena comes back strongly here and tries to build some momentum now.
06.27 am IST: Cena was going from the top of the apron to take out Brya Wyatt but instead decides to take out Eric Rowan and Luke Harper outside the ring.
06.24 am IST: Cena trying to remain sane here. “Cena trying not to lose than trying to win here” ~ Commentator
06.22 am IST: Cena got paralysed there by looking at Bray Wyatt’s portrayal. Eric Rowan then distracts him. This is going to be a tough tough match for Cena.
06.17 am IST: Wow, did we just see the bad side of John Cena? Maybe this was what Bryat Wyatt wanted to “expose” to the WWE Universe. He looks angry and menacing as Bray Wyatt is still teasing him and the crowd. Laughs in between as well. Twisted match this.
06.14 am IST: Here we go. Bray Wyatt said something about “sacrificing” but Cena didn’t hear much of it and we are underway.
06.10 am IST: The champ is here as well.
06.07 am IST: They’re here! John Cena vs Bray Wyatt is next.
06.00 am IST: Sheer raw power as Cesaro lifts Big Show and eliminates him. WOW!! Antonio Cesaro is the winner of the inaugural Andre the Giant memorial trophy. Big Show shakes hand with Cesaro before leaving the arena.
05.59 am IST: Just 2 men remain now. Cesaro and Big Show. Sheamus and Del Rio eliminated each other.
05.57 am IST: Del Rio eliminates Dolph Ziggler. 4 men remain now.
05.56 am IST: Kofi Kingston was going out until he is saved by the steel steps. How he manages to do this everytime. Wow.
05.54 am IST: Mysterio eliminated by Cesaro. 7 men remain.
05.53 am IST: 9 superstars remain out of 30.
05.52 am IST: Fandango eliminates Big E. Sheamus eliminates Fandango.
05.50 am IST: Santino is eliminated. Sin Cara eliminated by Rey Mysterio.
05.48 am IST: 3 MB eliminates Zack Ryder. Mark Henry as well.
05.47 am IST: Alex Riley, Brodus Clay and The Great Khali are eliminated.
05.45 am IST: And every wrestler you can think of from the mid card roster is inside the ring. Don’t bother naming everyone.
05.44 am IST: No chance to breath in as Andre the Giant memorial is next!
05.42 am IST: As I said, spear on Kane, a double powerbomb on the New Age Outlaws and it’s all over. The Shield has won it inside 5 minutes.
05.41 am IST: The match has just started and bodies are flying everywhere already. This match is not going the distance surely.
05.39 am IST: Kane and Rollins start off.
05.38 am IST: Kane and New Age Outlaws vs The Shield is next!
05.34 am IST: Oh there’s more. Triple H has lost it, he assaults Bryan on his injured shoulder with a chair against the steel post. Bryan to compete in the Triple Threat match with a severely injured shoulder. Crowd boos!
05.32 am IST: AND Daniel Bryan has done it. A running knee to Triple H and it’s pin-fall. Bryan goes to the main event of the WrestleMania XXX. “Wrestlemania has just become Yesamania.”
05.29 am IST: Running knee countered by Triple H. Goes for the pedigree. A near fall, Bryan survives! Wow.
05.27 am IST: The crowd comes alive as Bryan builds some momentum. Stephanie looks little worried now.
05.26 am IST: Bryan with a Yes lock on Triple H but the Game survives some how.
05.25 am IST: Have to say, it’s all Triple H all through out so far as the crowd is stunned and silenced.
05.22 am IST: As the match goes ahead, both athletes are giving it all. Meanwhile, Triple H trying to beat Bryan at his own game with a submission move.
05.16 am IST: They both were on the announcers table as Triple H tries to take out Bryan with a pedigree. Bryan survives with a counter, but Triple H still has the momentum and Stephanie McMahon has been screaming all night so far.
05.10 am IST: Triple H is targeting the injured shoulder of Daniel Bryan over and over again.
05.08 am IST: Triple H held out his hand to shake Bryan’s but no and we are on.
05.04 am IST: The music hits and the entire arena goes berserk with the “YES!” chants. Daniel Bryan is here as well.
05.02 am IST: The Game is here. The promo ahead of the entrance was simply magnificent.
04.56 am IST: A really nice Daniel Bryan promo airs.
04.53 am IST: Phew! What a picture as all three of them drink beer! We don’t have words. Feel free to fill us in.
04.51 am IST: The Rock talks and everyone listens to him. And there’s a John Cena reference and crowd boos. However, he talks about a certain guy and the crowd chants YES! YES! YES!
04.48 am IST: Have you ever seen a better opening for a WrestleMania?
04.45 am IST: The roof just blew off from the arena as none other than THE ROCK makes his way. That’s The Rock, Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan all in the same ring. Phew!
04.39 am IST: OMG! Glass shatters and STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN is here. Cuts in when Hulk Hogan was speaking. Crowd goes insane.
04.35 am IST: The host of WrestleMania 30 is here. The music hits and the immortal Hulk Hogan is here.
04.30 am IST: Here we go again for the 30th time…
04.28 am IST: Two minutes to go and guess who’s here brother.
04.25 am IST: What a pre-match show we witnessed as there’s more to come. Just 5 minutes to go to the main show. 04.22 am IST: Friction in the team of The Real Americans as Jack Swagger is not happy with Antonio Cesaro. Zeb Colter wants them to calm down but Swagger tries the Patriot Lock on Cesaro. Cesaro is not amused and Colter’s attempt to repair the relationship goes in vain as Cesaro takes out Swagger with a Cesaro spin.
04.19 am IST: Double splash on Cesaro and it’s the pin-fall. Brilliant team work by The Usos and they are still the WWE tag team champions.
04.18 am IST: Bodies everywhere as we see upper cuts, splashes and more.
04.16 am IST: “We The People” chants as Cesaro builds momentum.
04.15 am IST: A tranquilizer by Antonio Cesaro on Ryback and Rybaxel are eliminated. Last two team remains now. The Usos and The Real Americans.
04.13 am IST: A nearfall. Swagger with a counter on Jey Uso and the champions were ‘almost’ eliminated.
04.09 am IST: Jack Swagger eliminates Los Matadores after a Patriot Lock. Only three teams remain now.
04.08 am IST: Wow. El Torito with some entertainment for the crowd as he single-handedly takes out everyone after some resistance from Curtis Axel.
04.07 am IST: Would you believe it? Los Matadores have cleared the ring one by one and everyone are down outside the ring.
04.04 am IST: Here we go! Rybaxel and The Usos start the match.
04.01 am IST: Third are Los Matadores. Last to enter are the WWE tag team champions, The Usos.
03.58 am IST: Here we go, the first match of the night. Fatal Four Way tag team match to start. Rybaxel are already here. Zeb Colter kicks it off with asking everyone to rise and say “We The People” as The Real Americans make their way in.
03.52 am IST: Discussing another match from the Main show here. Kane and New Age Outlaws vs The Shield. The Shield with an intriguing and challenging promo for the Corporate Kane and the Outlaws.
03.45 am IST: John Cena’s being asked about Bray Wyatt. Cena doesn’t look that bothered but we know what The Wyatt Family are capable of. Cena says he has and always stand up to what he believes in in his 12 year of WWE career.
03.33 am IST: Let us remind you all that we will see a Fatal Four Way tag team match in about half an hour. The Usos (c) vs. Real Americans vs. Los Matadores vs. Rybaxel.
03.23 am IST: Discussing ‘Andre the Giant’ memorial trophy now. The trophy is huge and beautiful. Who will win this? 27 participants have been announced already. Who are going to be the remaining three?
03.15 am IST: Batista has been interviewed by Booker-T in a promo and Batista has been really honest so far. Calls Randy Orton a “corporate sucker”.
03.00 am IST: They tried to take an ‘interview’ from Brock Lesnar but Paul Heyman gets to them first and looks confidant that Lesnar will beat The Dead Man.
02.55 am IST: So who will prevail? Will the streak end tonight? Or it’s 22-0?
02.50 am IST: Next up, The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar. The streak vs The Beast. a promo has been cut by none other than Paul Heyman.
02: 45 am IST: John Cena vs Bray Wyatt. A promo by The Wyatt Family has been cut here.
02. 40 am IST: Each and every match has been analysed by the experts. Do let us know your thoughts in the comments.
02. 35 am IST: We have kicked off the Pre-Show and Mick Foley, Booker-T and Shawn Michaels at the experts panel.
02:30 am IST: Welcome to WWE WrestleMania 30 or WWE WrestleMania XXX from New Orleans, Louisiana. We are bringing you all the live WrestleMania results including the Undertaker’s streak match against Brock Lesnar as the action unfolds in the arena.
This is WWE’s 30th pay-per-view of the grandest stage of professional wrestling.
Viewer’s Guide: This is the first WWE event simultaneously broadcast live on pay-per-view television and WWE Network. main show will commence at 7.00 pm ET (4.30 am IST on 7th April 2014).
Here’s the complete match card:
- Fatal Four Way for the WWE tag team Championship: The Usos (c) vs. Real Americans vs. Los Matadores vs. Rybaxel. (Preview)
Main Show:
- Vickie Guerrero Divas Title Invitational for the Divas Championship.
- Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. (Complete list of participants)
- The Shield vs. Kane & New Age Outlaws. (Preview)
- John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt. (Preview)
- Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H (winner goes to Main Event). (Preview)
- The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar. (Preview)
- Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. (winner of Daniel Bryan vs Triple H match) for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. (Preview)
All the possible match results and twists for WWE WrestleMania 30 are here
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.