The Ugly - 8 Hours
So, it wasn't exactly 8 hours, but it was close, too close for any semblance of comfort. There's a reason why the traditional workday is 8 hours. It's because the gods hate us and want to maximize our suffering. In all seriousness, no wrestling show should come anywhere near eight hours. It isn't fun, so much as it is utterly exhausting.
Between the Kickoff Show and the official WrestleMania 35 card, there were a whopping 16 matches. With matches in abundance, there is no possible way for every match to get its due, or to receive the proper crowd reaction and participation. After the fifth hour or so, the crowd is exhausted and rightfully so.
The show should be cut in half. A 4-5 hour show is plenty and WWE can do so by eliminating nonsense like 7-second dance breaks and B-list SNL celebrity appearances. Joan Jett is amazing, one of the greatest rock and roll performers in history, but do you think that even registers with an audience that just endured 8 hours of professional wrestling?
A month from now, will you fondly remember Samoa Joe vs Rey Mysterio? What about Finn Balor vs Bobby Lashley? It was a good match but lost in a card that was oversaturated in abundance. Is there a need for multiple tag team fatal 4 ways and multiple no rules oriented matches?
The Kickoff Show alone is two-thirds of what a traditional pay-per-view used to be. Can we at least shorten that some? A thirty-minute Kickoff Show with one match, instead of 4 would be much better and keep the audience more engaged for the main show. These are the matches most wrestling fans actually care about, so why is WWE hell bent in exhausting us before we even get there?
If WWE finds it absolutely necessary to cram eight hours of entertainment down the throat of wrestling fans, why can't they make WrestleMania a two-day experience with two separate main events? It would certainly help split the monotony up and give us wrestling fans a chance to be engaged in the action we all so passionately love.